Liquidex question


New member
Doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) now and asked about liquidex before and was shot down due an agenda over there but maybe some can help here. Just a few stats doing ethanate at 100mg e6d. 250IUs of HCG EOD. Have tried doing HCG at 500IUS twice a week and no difference. Either way blood work has shown my E to be high. Range on my blood test was something like 8-42 and I was a 53 of which my E number was the same with HCG and without, little no gyno at all, but definitely had bloat and did feel a little funky at times. The doc isnt ready to do an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yet even at a small amount. So I decided to get some dex and try it small. One of the problems is I had excess weight due to low T. And for months I had been doing a pretty agressive diet and a pretty good work out 3-4 times a week. But that fat was not moving. So I have been doing dex EOD at .25mg. I actually feel pretty good but getting a dizzy feeling. It tends to away after my work out at night but is back in the morning. I would actually like to try more dex because in the last week I can definitely see a change and my weight loss doubled last week. But is it to much thats making me dizzy or is to less. Or should I switch to the other Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RUI has? I cant remember the name of it, but the other one RUI has is made from letro which is a lot more aggressive. Take in mind in all of this Im not running a cycle or trying to get pumped, just trying to get back into normal shape and cut weight.
I am taking RUI liquid dex at .5 mg eod. Ive been using it for 3 weeks now. Tool away almost all the water. I am not sure about the dizziness. I hope you can find a solution. Goosluck
im drinking lots of water, so it cant be that. it started after taking dex so i know its not something from before. Just wondering if its reacting to what I had been taking, or taking to much E away I dont know. Just wonder if I need a supplement, or maybe dex isnt compatable and I need to try something else.
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Try some of RUI's LIQUID STANE. It's their version of aromasin.

I see they just got it back in stock, and they're having a big sale tomorrow...
Well I think it was the dex. I didnt take it for 4 days and by day 4 felt better again. So I think its the dex. just to make sure I was doing it right the liquid syringe they gave me u was going up to the 250 mark so about 1/4 of the whole syringe. which is .25mg. Was doing that every other and tried every 3 days. yesterday I did .25 again today feel dizzy again, so I know the .25 and eod is to much. Thinking about bumping down to .1 eod to see how that goes, then e3d if that doesnt work. Sad thing is I could see the transformation of water bloat immediately the last week.

I guess if that smaller does does not work ill try stane or something.