Liver and Onions

Beef Liver

There are 177 Calories in an average serving, along with 4.2g Total Fat, 1.3g Saturated Fat, 0g Trans Fat, 335mg Cholesterol, 390mg Sodium, 10g Total Carbohydrates, 1g Dietary Fiber, 2g Sugar, and 24g Protein. It also provides 635% Vitamin A, 6% Vitamin C, 2% Calcium, and 31% Iron. Learn more about calories, nutrition, vitamins, and minerals in the charts and links below.

That is from the livestrong site- 1 piece of liver
what do u guys think? healthy or not?
Lol liver and onions

LOL indeed , my mom used to threaten us kids with liver & onions if we werent good , although it never bothered me that much because I knew it was very nutritious . Just don't go overboard , you can actually get too much iron if you eat too much . ~Bo
okay thanks, it's actually my fav meal but wanted to make sure i can add it in my diet or not
didnt know if it had alot of fat in it or not, i guess u cant eat it like chicken?
okay thanks, it's actually my fav meal but wanted to make sure i can add it in my diet or not
didnt know if it had alot of fat in it or not, i guess u cant eat it like chicken?

The old time bodybuilders were famous for eating tons of liver and beef heart , probably the most protein food there is (behind eggs) but very rich in cholesterol and iron/b-vitamins . Eat it frequently but in moderation .....
was thinking switching out my chicken and eating liver for my diet, as liver is my favourite meal anyways
just like how the liver offers alot of protein as well and if u can stomach it why not i guess
any thoughts on this?
is there more fat content in liver then chicken breast?
liver and onions with mashed potatoes is awesome. oh, by the way, I believe horse meat is the highest protein you can eat. haven't eaten it personally, but I guess it's pretty good.