Looking for advice for next cycle


New member
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a new cycle to put on lean muscle mass.

My steroid history:

First cycle:
1-12 Test-E 500mg/week.

Second cycle:
1-6 winstrol only 50mg ed.

Third cycle:
1-12 Test-E 250mg/week.
1-10 Tren-E 400mg/week.

During my first cycle I did not make awesome gains, myabe my gear was underdosed or something. Because I do think that I was training and eating well.
I know many people hate on orals only and I won't do it again but I made awesome gains during the 6 weeks winstrol only, probably better gains than my 12 weeks of test-e 500mg (but maybe my gear was underdosed, idk?).
My third cycle was awesome, I know many will say I should have tried something else than tren, I did not have many sides from the tren and I added good muscle and kept most of it.

Now I'm looking for a new cycle to add lean mass. Maybe test/tren again since it worked very well and i had little side effects? Or would you guys advice to try something else?
honestly, if you were fine with test e and tren e then for next cycle you could try test/tren/mast. It's the holy grail of cycle compounds for a reason as the three hormones compliment each other.
Isn't mast mainly for the better look and used during cutting and for competitions? Since I want to clean bulk I don't feel like it will help me a lot or am I wrong?
Isn't mast mainly for the better look and used during cutting and for competitions? Since I want to clean bulk I don't feel like it will help me a lot or am I wrong?

Cutting and bulking are functions of diet. Masteron is an awesome compliment to test and tren regardless of whether you're cutting/bulking.

There's just something about the DHT derivatives that ties it altogether when everything else is in check. It may be a coincidence, as I never really looked into it, but mast seems to improve my skin texture along with giving more of a grainy look to certain muscle groups like the pecs and delts.

My .02c :)
Cutting and bulking are functions of diet. Masteron is an awesome compliment to test and tren regardless of whether you're cutting/bulking.

There's just something about the DHT derivatives that ties it altogether when everything else is in check. It may be a coincidence, as I never really looked into it, but mast seems to improve my skin texture along with giving more of a grainy look to certain muscle groups like the pecs and delts.

My .02c :)
What do you mean by skin texture?
What do you mean by skin texture?
It's hard to explain, but it seems to pull tighter and have a thinner appearance. Like I said, it may be purely coincidence - but I only really seem to notice it on mast/SD/proviron. I hate sounding all bro-science-y, but it's an observation I've made.
Thanks for the feedback.

I have talked about it with my dealer. He says it's probably better to up my dosage mainly because I'm bulking which will give me better results than lower dosage test/tren/mast except if I run the same high dosages test/tren and add in mast. Do you guys get what I'm saying? :D

Option 1, upping the dosage: 500 test/ 600 tren
Option 2, adding mast: 250 test/ 400 tren/ 400 mast
Option 3, both: 500 test/ 600 tren/ 400-600 mast

The numbers are just examples. But he says it's better to do option 1 than option 2 for now mainly because I'm bulking and looking for adding good lean mass in stead of trying to look good while being on.
Option 3 would give me the best results obviously, but he says I can better keep that for in the future.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you guys prefer option 2?
you're making a mistake in asking a guy that makes money from you for advice. He has a conflict of interest there.

If you REALLY wanted to bulk you'd do higher test, medium to high tren since you can deal with it with dbol/tbol/drol in there. That or you'd go with deca along with the tren and test.
you're making a mistake in asking a guy that makes money from you for advice. He has a conflict of interest there.

If you REALLY wanted to bulk you'd do higher test, medium to high tren since you can deal with it with dbol/tbol/drol in there. That or you'd go with deca along with the tren and test.

My dealer is a good real life friend and not interested in making profit out of me, also I don't think it will matter for him whether I up my dose or add mast profitwise.
I don't want to add a lot of water and lose it after the cycle so I don't feel like going high test or using deca.
My dealer is a good real life friend and not interested in making profit out of me, also I don't think it will matter for him whether I up my dose or add mast profitwise.
I don't want to add a lot of water and lose it after the cycle so I don't feel like going high test or using deca.

the only reason you would be having water issues is because you aren't controlling your estrogen. people can run high test and deca (which doesn't convert too readily) and have no problems.
Was this your dealer friend talking again?