Looking for advice on first cycle


New member
im new to using gear, ive never used any PH or gear before
looking to run Test E as a first cycle from what i could research ive decided this will be how my first cycle will look like

week 1:200 mg
week 2: 200 mg
week 3:300mg
week 4:300 mg
week 5:300 mg
week 6: 350mg
week 7: 350 mg
week 8: 350 mg

my estrogen support will be nolva at 20mg/day

my post cycle therapy (pct) will look sumtin like this:

8 days after last injection
hCG 2000 IU every other day for 20 days
clomid 50mg twice a day for 30 days
nolva 20mg twice a day for 45 days

i kno most will say jus run 500mg of test...but keep in mind this is my FIRST cycle and i think this would give me sum good solid gains

my stats are: 23 years old
75 kg

any advice someone that has experience can offer? is the nolva necessary all through the cycle? or should i just use it when i feel gyno is bout to flare up.

also, based on how im gonna run my cycle i would like know how i should set up my injection frequency any thoughts?

and last question would be, based on my last injection being 350mg would 8 days after be a good window to start my post cycle therapy (pct)? based on what i kno 200mg a week with test e post cycle therapy (pct) should start 3-7 days after last pin , while running 500mg a week post cycle therapy (pct) should start 10-14 days after last pin. Therefore, i determined 8 days after my last pin would be appropriate to start post cycle therapy (pct) at 350mg
You honestly haven't done your research at all if you think you should run a long ester test like test e for just 8 weeks. That cycle sucks. Yes you should run at least 400mg per week, preferably 500mg. You are going to shut down your natural test regardless of taking 200mg per week or 500mg per week. So you might as well get the most out of it. Taking 2000ius of HCG at one time is retarded and not recommended. Run HCG from the start since you obviously have it. Nolva is not necessary during the cycle, so just use it in post cycle therapy (pct) however, you need to control estrogen from the start with some Adex. Honestly, after reading this post again, you seriously don't have a clue what you are doing. So I will help you out and give you some insight on how your cycle should look:

Weeks 1-12: Test E 250mg twice per week (500mg per week total)
Weeks 1-12: HCG 250ius twice per week (500ius per week total)
Weeks 1-12: Arimidex at .25mg EOD. (You might need to adjust as necessary during the cycle)

2 weeks after last injection run post cycle therapy (pct) of:

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Thats how your cycle should look. Good luck!!
Edit: I just noticed you weigh around 165lbs at 5'9 tall. You need to get some more weight naturally before you touch steroids. 165lbs is light for your height. I would invest in a diet and get on a good training program. Good luck. If you disregard this advice, then at least run the cycle like I outlined above.
this post cycle therapy (pct) program i posted is actually one developed by Dr. Micheal Scally, one of hte most well known and accomplished individuals in the field of anabolic steroids and male hormone replacement medicine. His method dictates post cycle therapy (pct) begins with a substantial does of hCG (2000 IU every other day for 20 days). anti-estro are also used during this period. Important because hCG may up-regulate testicular aromatase activity. thus, their use can minimize both estrogenic side effects and reduce negative feedbakc inhibition of testosterone release. in this version of scallys program, normal hormonal function retunred in all subjects within 45 days.
also im trying to avoid AIs. as they counter estrogenic side effects by preventing the productin of estro in the body. effective in practice, they also deprive the body of a hormone that is important in cardiovascular health. in particular, estrogen supports the production of good (HDL) cholesterol, which means that AIs may inadvertently increase the cardiovascular strain of a steroid cycle. if estrogenic side effects are apparent and a reduction or elimination of the offending steroid is not an option, the SERM nolva is better used.

nolva offers partial estrogenic action in the liver, which may allow it to counter estrogenic side effects without the same negative shift in the cholesterol.
edit: i kno my stats seem like im skinny but actually i believe its due to bones i have a very small structure (small wrists) i have actually gained ~20 lbs since i began lifting and dropping my bf substantially.

i could post pics if necessary
this post cycle therapy (pct) program i posted is actually one developed by Dr. Micheal Scally, one of hte most well known and accomplished individuals in the field of anabolic steroids and male hormone replacement medicine. His method dictates post cycle therapy (pct) begins with a substantial does of hCG (2000 IU every other day for 20 days). anti-estro are also used during this period. Important because hCG may up-regulate testicular aromatase activity. thus, their use can minimize both estrogenic side effects and reduce negative feedbakc inhibition of testosterone release. in this version of scallys program, normal hormonal function retunred in all subjects within 45 days.

Look, I appreciate you quoting Dr. Scally. I do know of him and can agree with some points but think about it from a theoretical sense. Once you are injecting exogenous testosterone, you are going to shut down your natural production. Hence why HCG stimulates your LH to signal your testicals to produce more testosterone. Doesn't it make more sense to keep the horse in the barn rather than chase it across 3 counties?? You are right about HCG causing more aromatase activity, so don't you think it would be better to shoot 250ius at a time rather than 2000ius at a time?? Which dose would create more aromatase activity?? From a lot of dudes running post cycle therapy (pct)'s on this board, we have found that 50/50/50/50 of clomid and 40/40/20/20 works. That is not saying that 100mg day of clomid wouldn't work either. And for someone like you with a copy and paste rhetoric, you still can't explain why you think running a long ester test for 8 weeks is a good idea. Still haven't mentioned that. Again, I do things off of personal experience and not what some Dr. says. Remember a doctor told me that 100mg of Test cyp once a month was a good idea for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). And again, I would refrain from cycling. Looks like you need to spend more time in the kitchen man. I know you have gain some weight like you mention but I guarantee you can put on some more mass naturally before touching AAS.
the reason i chose to use test e as first cycle out of all AAS produced, test esters like cyp, e, and susta tend to have the lowest negative impact on health when take in body building performance enhancing doses. test generally has a positive effect on libido, supports a positive mood, and supplements necessary estrogen so that cholesterol leves are less negatively shifted.
also im trying to avoid AIs. as they counter estrogenic side effects by preventing the productin of estro in the body. effective in practice, they also deprive the body of a hormone that is important in cardiovascular health. in particular, estrogen supports the production of good (HDL) cholesterol, which means that AIs may inadvertently increase the cardiovascular strain of a steroid cycle. if estrogenic side effects are apparent and a reduction or elimination of the offending steroid is not an option, the SERM nolva is better used.

nolva offers partial estrogenic action in the liver, which may allow it to counter estrogenic side effects without the same negative shift in the cholesterol.

Again, more copy and paste rhetoric bro which is found here:

Anabolics - William Llewellyn - Google Books

Now think about this before you copy and paste something else. When estrogen is elevated in the body, you get side effects such as gyno, higher BP, increased water weight, ED issues, etc. The list continues. Now, this book is saying that if you are seeing estrogen side effects, to use Nolva. Remember, Nolva, blocks gyno from attaching to the receptors but DOES NOT lower total estrogen in the body. So you can be gyno free, but still have water retention, higher BP, ED issues, etc. What makes more sense bro?? Nolva was run back in the day before Aromasin and Adex were out. And I don't want to hear about lipids. Lipids are fucked up in most guys on cycle regardless if estrogen is in check or if they are on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or not. If I bring my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose from 100mg per week to 200mg per week, my lipids get worse. So back to the point, if you control total estrogen in the body with adex an aromasin from the start, you will not have symptoms and worry about gyno. And if you are a rare case that controls estrogen and gets gyno while estrogen is controlled, then you could get on nolva. Now stop copying and pasting. You are over thinking this shit. We know what works, we can't argue that.
the reason i chose to use test e as first cycle out of all AAS produced, test esters like cyp, e, and susta tend to have the lowest negative impact on health when take in body building performance enhancing doses. test generally has a positive effect on libido, supports a positive mood, and supplements necessary estrogen so that cholesterol leves are less negatively shifted.

Dude, I am not questioning why you are taking Test E. I am wondering why you think it is a good idea to run a LONG ESTER test like E for 8 WEEKS ONLY?? Jesus H Christ!!
reason i also wanted to start with keeping my doses between 200-350mg is this i my first cycle my receptors are nice and fresh i want to use the minimal amount of dosage to get gains and avoid negative side affects
8 weeks i thought would be a good beginner cycle , or would 10 -12 weeks be more efficient?

Dude, 8 weeks for a long ester is pointless. The hormone doesn't build until around week 6 and then you are running it 2 more weeks and ending it?? Makes no sense. If you want to run an 8 week cycle of test, then use Test prop. Long esters need to be at least 12 weeks. Thats what I am saying. Remember, reading a cook book doesn't make you a french chef bro.

ok ok, thot it started building up at 4 weeks i could be wrong bout that...ok so 12 weeks it is then

question bout my injection frequency based on how much im doing how many times a week should i inject for example weeks 1-2 200mg is ok to inject just once a week...but weeks 6-12 when ill be doin 350 should i split up injections?

and as for post cycle therapy (pct) my other options r:
1.) 1,000 IUs Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 3x/wk (mon/wed/fri) in combination with 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for the first 3 weeks. After, discontinue Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and continue with 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for an additional 3 weeks.

2.) 1,000 IUs Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 3x/wk (mon/wed/fri) in combination with 20 mgs Nolvadex ED and 50 mgs Clomid ED for the first 3 weeks. After, discontinue Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and continue with 20 mgs Nolvadex ED and 50 mgs Clomid ED for an additional 3 weeks.

3.) 1,500 IUs Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 3x/wk (mon/wed/fri) in combination with 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for the first 3 weeks. After, discontinue Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and continue 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for an additional 3 weeks.

4.) 1,500 IUs Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 3x/wk (mon/wed/fri) in combination with 100 mgs Clomid ED and 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for the first 3 weeks. After, discontinue Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and continue with 50 mgs Clomid ED and 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for an additional 3 weeks.
Like I said, do the cycle right from the start. Run 500mg per week the entire cycle for 12 weeks. No need to ramp up. You realize that some guys are on 200mg per week for a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) replacement dose correct? So why take 200mg per week only and shut yourself down for a minimal amount of gains?? Like I said, run 500mg per week and split dosages. And like I said, run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the cycle. As for the 500mg per week test, you definitely need to split the dosages. If you follow the outline I laid out for you, you will enjoy it.
ok so i decided to take ur advice and run test e for 12 weeks and hCG threwout the whole cycle at 500 iu/week instead of waiting till the end of cycle and blasting it in pct....and ill run arimidex at .25mg EOD

quik question tho....at the end of the cycle i have to wait bout 14 days after last pin before i begin post cycle therapy (pct) of nolva and clomid...do i still have to keep using arimidex in those 14 days? i was thinking yes but jus to make sure i thot id ask...

also hCG i thot id do it as a Subq inject...does it matter when i inject it? can i do it the same day as my test injection ? or do i have to wait?
ok so i decided to take ur advice and run test e for 12 weeks and hCG threwout the whole cycle at 500 iu/week instead of waiting till the end of cycle and blasting it in pct....and ill run arimidex at .25mg EOD

quik question tho....at the end of the cycle i have to wait bout 14 days after last pin before i begin post cycle therapy (pct) of nolva and clomid...do i still have to keep using arimidex in those 14 days? i was thinking yes but jus to make sure i thot id ask...

also hCG i thot id do it as a Subq inject...does it matter when i inject it? can i do it the same day as my test injection ? or do i have to wait?

Glad you listened man. We are only trying to help you out. Yes run the Adex up until you start your post cycle therapy (pct). As for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), if I inject my test on Monday and Thursday, then I would inject the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on Tuesday and Saturday sub-q in the stomach. Around an inch from the side of the belly button. I have read numerous things on when Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be shot but I have found those times work great for me.
thx alot i appreciate the help... i already went by my local pharmacy to see bout the prices of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) arimidex clomid and nolva shits gonna gona get expensive lol but i wanna have everything ready for the entire cycle before i begin...gettin excited :yumyum: