Looking for advice stacking NPP with Test?


New member
So Im 47 years old and just started a cycle last week using 1 cc of NPP on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and also using 1 cc of Test on Monday and Thursday for a total of 5cc's per week. I'm trying to build lean muscle while losing my belly. I'm eating well with lots of protein and minimal fat intake and getting about 45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week and lifting fairly heavy working 1 body part per day 5 days per week. Anyone experienced with this type of cycle? This is my 1st time with this and I'm just wondering what to expect and looking for advice. I also have a bottle of Tren but have not incorporated it yet. Comments?
What is your prior experience? How many mg/ml in each compound? That will make a difference. I did a cycle in the spring /summer with 600 cyp and 450 npp if I remember correctly . Are you experienced with tren ? Is it e or a?
Test is all you need for a first cycle my man. Get your ai's, hcg, and pct. Learn how to dial in your ai while on test with blood work so you don't deal with nasty sides. Run hcg throughout to help with pct. Definitely do a proper pct and see how well you recover. At your age, recovery is a priority. Read up on the ology faq's thread for more info to help guide you better. Come back with any questions you might have...
I'm in fairly good shape. Not a fat ass. I just haven't worked out consistently in about a year and have gained a little belly that I need to lose while building everything else. I have some experience with steroids in the past but nothing crazy. I have zero experience with Tren though. The Test I'm on is 250 mg/ml and the NPP is 150mg/ml. The Tren that I haven't started is 150mg/ml.
If your goal is to loose a little bit of belly fat, because you have not worked out consistently,, I'd say there are better ways to solve that issue then obtaining illegal substances and possibly risking your health to do that.
But Ive read that NPP will help lean you out. No? Ive definitely changed my diet over the last couple weeks as well. I'm just wondering what kind of results to expect with this kind of cycle.
Gear doesn't cut weight . Diet cuts weight . I mean there are things that help but there is no magic pill. When you hear of people cutting on certain compounds , they aren't fat asses and trust me their diet is in check. Just an example , my diet was "in check" , I signed up with 3J and he showed me how unchecked it really was. I am bulking on a cycle. It is similar to the one that you are wanting to cut on .
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So Im 47 years old and just started a cycle last week using 1 cc of NPP on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and also using 1 cc of Test on Monday and Thursday for a total of 5cc's per week. I'm trying to build lean muscle while losing my belly. I'm eating well with lots of protein and minimal fat intake and getting about 45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week and lifting fairly heavy working 1 body part per day 5 days per week. Anyone experienced with this type of cycle? This is my 1st time with this and I'm just wondering what to expect and looking for advice. I also have a bottle of Tren but have not incorporated it yet. Comments?
add healthy fats, dont cut them.. if anythign cu simpel carbs and keep carbs in general med.
eatign fat doesnt make you fat. eating carbs does in most cases. high protien, med fat, med carb diet is good IMO or even high protein, high fat, med carb. ofcourse you need to watch cals still, but that aside. I add olive oil to almost everything I eat, just a little less when cutting and little less carbs.
also for fatloss i rec "carb cycling for fatloss" google it.
but you need to decide if your cutting or bulking because trying to do both is not that productive.

dont use the tren. save it.

whats your cycle though?
like test week 1-?
npp wk1-?

AI being used? what AI an dose? *it should be used btw*
PCT plan?
I agree leave the tren for a later cycle the combination of both of those at the same time will be a bitch to recover from. Also Tren is a powerful steroid and I would recommend learning how your body reacts to prolactin side effects from NPP before trying tren. You should get something to control prolactin like prami or caber or at the very least have it on hand for the NPP. I would highly recommend running HCG at 500 iu's a week split into two dosages also.