Looking for advice


New member
I am 175 lbs and lean. Im 6"1', and as of right now all natural. My stregnth is great and im perfectly healthy. Im interested in trying out a cycle of epi-strong or epistane. I know they are ther same formula just the caps are a different mg. However this is going to be my first PH. I have done a lot of research on this because i want to do this the right way. SO what im asking is if anyone has any reviews on these. If any experienced members can tell me which one is better for a first time user. Also if side effects what are they? And itd be great if someone could help me figure out what MG's to use over my 4-6 week cycle.
I am 175 lbs and lean. Im 6"1', and as of right now all natural. My stregnth is great and im perfectly healthy. Im interested in trying out a cycle of epi-strong or epistane. I know they are ther same formula just the caps are a different mg. However this is going to be my first PH. I have done a lot of research on this because i want to do this the right way. SO what im asking is if anyone has any reviews on these. If any experienced members can tell me which one is better for a first time user. Also if side effects what are they? And itd be great if someone could help me figure out what MG's to use over my 4-6 week cycle.

both are great but I'd go with epi-strong. as far as sides they are pretty much the same as any other ph/ds compound. if you don't know what sides to expect then I would say research more then come back and discuss this here again after you do.your want to know this info for yourself in case of any issues that come up.

start off with 30mg then go up if you feel you need to.
make sure to have your cycle supports in place items such as n2guard,fish oil hawton berry,nac,sam e these types of items and post cycle therapy (pct) on hand and ready before you start this cycle also pick up an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just in case of gyno issues. I would say pick up some femara

.I'd go with novla for post cycle therapy (pct) at 40 40 20 20.or for 6 weeks 40 40 20 20 20 20.

I would suggest researching many epi strong logs here and using google.research is a great way to form your own thoughts,dosing and etc.then you could come back here and ask more questions express your thoughts and more.

also any chance of you posting a log here I'd like to follow along and show support throughout your cycle.

feel free to pm or drop your questions here once you have done more research and reading.
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I recommend Toremifene over Novla, I would run Tore at 120mg first 3 days, then 90/60/60/40. You will need a Type 1 Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to run with a SERM and post usage, either Aromasin or Forma.
I recommend Toremifene over Novla, I would run Tore at 120mg first 3 days, then 90/60/60/40. You will need a Type 1 Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to run with a SERM and post usage, either Aromasin or Forma.

What is SERM and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and do you need them with use of test and HcG?