Looking for help on a cycle


New member
Hello Steroidology ive been working out for a while, i have went through some major body changes in the last couple of years i was weighting in at 275 and dropped down to 150 with some help of the p90X and hydroxycut before it came off the market. after that i wanted to bulk up do to some loose skin i had . my bulking process didnt go so well i ended up going up to 240 and didn't look nowhere near what i was expecting. TBH i totally fucked that up . Shortly after i had jumped on my first cycle of steroids it was a sust 250 deca 200 2x a week for what felt like 6 months and dbol 20-50 for first 6 weeks . i was VERY happy with the results i had i leaned up to 180 and finally starting seeing the body i have been wanting. of course i still had some skin! for PCT i did HCG 5000 IU i think it was every 3rd day or something like that i'm not sure i don't remember i had a friend of mine who was using gear helping me at the time . Now me and him lost connection he moved away and we havn't been keeping in touch and talking to him about it is out of the picture because he is now a health freak and stays away from gear. After i came off my cycle i had lost my job and was looking for work so working out wasnt my priority. i gained weight back up to 245 and now im sitting at 235 and trying to get back down to 180 i still see the gains i got from my cycle . My goal is to reach 180 and jump on a cycle again . I wanted to know if someone can explain what Blasting and bridging is from what i understood its cycling a bulking steroid bridging with lower test levels and then blasting with a cutting cycle. can someone help me pick out the cycles that i would need with the PCT on both sides and maybe explain what bridging is . TY for the help please no trolling !:tounge2:
Dude.... It's quite clear you are playing at this...

You seem to have phases of wanting a decent physique and assume drugs are the answer.

You need to get yourself on a decent dietary plan (if you can't do this, hire a nutritionist), find an appropriate training schedule (if you can't do this, hire a PT) - and quite simply bust your arse!

Only when you've hit a training plateau and need the extra edge should you consider starting a cycle.