Looking for information on a company


New member
Hey guys..so i recently got my hands on some winny and primo. The only question/concern i have is the producing company. It's called "H-Cmec"

So my question:

Has anyone herr hsd any past experience with this particular company??

They serm to be located in Hong Kong and their website offers some basic information but no contact information
Yeah you're absolutely right but the thing is i didn't order them online. I had a trainer hand them over to me
I checked their Website, half the Hyperlinks don't work, but that could be a Bad Web Designer.

It says they Don't Sell over the Internet.
Did your Trainer get them through a Doctor or Pharmacy, if so, most likely Legit.

At Mid-Cycle do a LC/MS-MS Total Testosterone Bloodwork, this will tell you if your stuff is Legit.
If not ~ Fire your Trainer (lol)...................... JP
if a trainer got it for you why are you source checking here???
dont you trust him? you trusted him to give him hundreds of dollars i supposed then you ask if its legit?