Looking to do a short ester Cycle, questions?

What is mct oil? Use it in my diet or in my homebrew? I was thinking of an HCG diet to get leaner for my short ester cycle.

dont bother withthe hcg diet bs. being on mild cycle nd cutting if anything. I would rec maybe test and mast this time around and maybe next time try the tren?
dont bother withthe hcg diet bs. being on mild cycle nd cutting if anything. I would rec maybe test and mast this time around and maybe next time try the tren?

Can I do over 12 week cycle on just the short ester masteron and Test Prop? My buddy did it with the Tren A and got amazing results. I just want to lean out before I go on.
This was pretty popular on this site about 12 years ago. Lots of guys had great results with short ester cycles.

Use the search button there is a lot of information here about it.
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