Losing fat and gaining muscle at same time question


New member
just read that it cant be done, and I do get that. However lets say your going for muscle. You keep just on that course and your not fat per say but 10 lbs could lose. Ok so the more muscle you put on by logic wouldnt that burn more calories /fat? SO if you switched nothing but just lifted for muscle eventually you would lose fat due to that thinking? AM I thinking wrong? Just throwing it out there.

Too bad there is no magic pill!
Ive read it cant be done as well but it can be. Ive gained 10 lbs this past month and my bf went from 10 to a little over 8.5%. Its not easy but it really can be done. I just upped my cals and cleaned up my diet, no cardio whatsoever obviously this will vary from person to person.
yes I got you and I was just wondering the above question, if you just kept lifting heavy and put on muscle and did nothing else by adding muscle over a long period of time you would lose weight/body fat correct. Even if it takes a few years the logic would be that if muscle makes you burn more calories at rest and you changed nothing else just raising your calorie burn level would cause a small weight loss???
just because you add muscle doesnt mean youll loose fat. Diet should be clean and cardio would probably be necessary.
just because you add muscle doesnt mean youll loose fat. Diet should be clean and cardio would probably be necessary.

thank you again for the answer. Ok so how does one lose weight and keep the muscle and still build muscle at the same time.

Do you just go for the weight lose when you have the quality muscle you want?

Lets talk, I have alot of nice quality muscle right now however I have not lost a damn pound. However I am going for more and more muscle thinking boy I will look better and better. But your telling me I will look like a fat person with muscle? I would like to drop 10 lbs but it seems almost impossible while I am lifting these heavy weights? So how does one lose weight and still lift? I just figured you lift and lift and lift and lift and its bound to come off.

I know this post sounds a little basic and moronic but there must be an equation that works.
by the way I do get what your saying however I think if a typical person who is not at a super low body fat level could lift weights and lose fat. I think for the bodybuilder who is low in bf this may not be the best approach. It can be done I guess it depends on what shape your in.

well sorry this is in this section and thanks for listening. Marilyn
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Losing fat and gaining muscle are conflicting goals.

Unfortunately, losing fat and gaining muscle are conflicting goals. Building muscle requires eating more calories than you burn while losing fat requires eating less calories than you burn. When you're trying to lose fat and reducing calories, you won't be taking in the number of calories your muscles would need to grow larger. (paige waehner MD)

When you have more muscle you automatically increase your metabolism and burn fat more easily which is why you can stay leaner.

Since you are increasing your metabolism while putting on more muscle you will be able to lose fat....I believe it is for each pound of muscle you can burn an extra 50 calories per day automatically. However the amount is NEGLIGIBLE.

If you put on 5 pounds of muscle in one year you may think you can eat an extra 250 calories more each day and not get fat. True BUT to maintain the muscle you must eat the 250 calories. Otherwise you will start to lose it slowly.

Everybody has a genetic point where once they start losing fat muscle gain stops. Some people are lean naturally and others are not.

The only exception to this rule is someone who is brand new to exercise/lifting. It seems like they are losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time. They soon plateau off though and like everyone else can't do both. There is a fancy scientific explanation for why there is a newbie effect but I can't recall the basics right now. This doesn't last very long either.

Steve....thank you for starting some thought provoking discussions...it's nice to see the ladies section with a little bit of activity!
Thanks for all your hard time and work with my threads MM, I really think your smart and helpful.

Ok what your thread is telling me underneath it all is to THROW AWAY THE SCALE!! That what I read. I am too number obsessed, and as I look better and better , tighter, leaner and more defined its all thru putting on muscle. However the scale goes up and up and up and then I panic . I need to throw away the scale.