losing strength but not weight?...help


New member
The past few weeks my strength has been slowly diminishing in some areas... was pulling 500 for deadlift about 3 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 475 2 days ago couldn't even pull 455... bench press went from 315 to 285.. been on cycle for 12 weeks the only thing I have changed is the lab... week 1-8 t400 800mg a week 600mg EQ (GENETIX LABS) and superdrol ED the first 4 weeks
week 8-13 750mg Test E 600mg EQ ( AML ) I have been stuck at a weight of 196 for about 6 weeks my strength started going up the first few weeks of cycle and now it's going backwards.. since bulking I have basically just been eating everything in site and recently my friend showed me a article where a bulking diet can backfire after a while. Saying you need to clean eat for 2-3 weeks then go back to your bulk diet for a few weeks then clean eat again and cycle your diet basically.... I can no longer find the link to this but I figured I would ask what you guys think? I'm suplosed.to start training for a powerlifting competition in 2 weeks so I can't be loosing strength like this...
What does you diet look like currently?

Do you have blood work that you can post so we can see what is going on?
Usually 5 eggs 4 pieces of bacon and 2 pieces of toast for breakfast
6 -7 oz chicken 1 -2 cups of rice or potatoes 1 cup veggies meal 2
Meal 3 might be protein shake with 5 tbsp peanut butter 8 oz milk 1 cup blueberries 1 banana 1 egg 1 tbsp olive oil 1/2 cup oatmeal 1 scoop protein powder
Meal 4 8oz ground beef (could be burgers could be tacos etc.)
Meal 5 usually post workout 4-8oz of chicken or ground beef with potatoes or rice and veggies with pie or cake for dessert
Might have a few eggs later and before bed 16 oz milk with 1 scoop casein

I have never had blood work done would you recommend it ?
Blood work is a must when using AAS. An anology would be trying to fly a plane at night without any instruments. See my signature line below for more info on getting blood work.
Well what's it going to tell me? Sorry I never read up on getting blood work done is there an article you have that can explain yo me why it's important and how it can help me?
Well what's it going to tell me? Sorry I never read up on getting blood work done is there an article you have that can explain yo me why it's important and how it can help me?

Here are some examples:

Has your Total Testosterone (TT) dropped when you changed brands?

Is your estradiol too high or low? Do you need to adjust your AI dosage?

Is it time to donate blood because your hematocrit is too high?

After PCT, has your TT recovered fully?

How does your HPTA look based on your LH and FSH? Do you need to run PCT again?

How is your liver doing (ALT and AST). Need more NAC?

How are your kidneys doing ,(creatinine and eGFR)?

Is Prolactin causing your dick to be limp?

Is estradiol causing your dick to be limp?

Is estradiol causing your gynecomastia?