Losing weight, really fast.


45 mins of cardio 6 times week.

I started working out September 6th, and i've lost 5 Lbs since then. The weird thing was, I only lost one lb as of the 11th, and now i Have lost close to 51/2 lbs.

Weight when i started 264
CUrrent weight 259.

Is this normal? My goal is 225

Dieting? Just eating less, but more protien and salad, and drinking more water.

So once i start ECA stack i'm probably just going to drop fat like it's nothing. What can i expect for weight loss, in one month if i keep this up? 25 Lbs?
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The reason you lost so much weight at first is because it was water weight.... now that, that is gone, your target weight loss per week should be around 1-3 pounds a week. So losing more than 12 pounds in a month is probably not going to happen, unless some of it is muscle loss as well as fat.