Get this Low Carb crap out of your head. Staying Lean is a matter of not eating a lot more than what your expending. Like he said above 500 kcals over maintence. I don't know what your Goals are, but your never going to get up into the big boy section going low carbs.
I'll state this and let it go. In the Off season you should be doing your best to have a balanced diet (40% - 40% - 20%) or similar. It should be well rounded with a multitude of proteins (poultry, fish, beef, whey), carbs (potatos, oatmeal, rice, pasta, bread, fruit, vegtables) and EFA from your proteins and adding some in.
After you've added a significant amount of size over 8 months then spend the next 4 months dieting off all your fat. REPEAT.