Low DHT conversion cycle - Second cycle


New member
I am looking for some advice or a critique of my second cycle. My goal is to bring some lean mass and strength, with minimal aromatization, and DHT converstion.

My first cycle was
test E 500mg/wk week 1-16
Var : week 10-16 @ 60mg/ed
I had a thinning of my hair, aromatization was present, but kept under control with aromasin.
- Generally a positive experience. I learned a great deal about my body. I kept 10lbs of muscle after a successful post cycle therapy (pct). Bloodtests came back good for text levels 8 weeks after PCT start

Second cycle
week 1-12 t300 @ 400mg/week
week 1-12 npp @ 350mg/week
week 1-12 Var @ 40mg/ED

is a prolactin antagonizer necessary for 350mg/week?
Will be using aromasin, with nolva and clomid for PCT, and I will add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) this time too :)

Looking for input on doses and length.
NPP. is 12 weeks okay?
for Anavar (var), is 12 weeks okay for Anavar (var)? since its only 40mg/week?

I will continue to search for answers in the meantime :)
