Low dose test cycle, Need my AI?


New member
So I'm in my first week of my first real cycle, which is test E 400mg a week. I have arimidex with me and was paranoid about getting gyno/from what I read so when I started it I think I took too much arimidex and crashed my Estrogen. Felt terrible and had a lot of the low estrogen sides. Now I've been off for a few days and feeling much better but still paranoid about possibly gyno or the damage from what I read of high estrogen. Seems to be a lot of mixed reviews out there on what protocol to take but should I just wait until I begin getting high estrogen sides to start using and go with .25e3d or start now with the same dosage to be safe. I will get blood work done maybe 5 weeks in but until then I want to be cautious. Thanks for the help!

Training 8 years
Yes - at 18% BF and 400mg of test a week you will surely need Adex. Hell I'm in the neighborhood of 18ish BF as well on a trt dose of cyp - (120mg a week) and need .5mg of Adex and that is with taking dim.
Only true way to tell is by getting blood work.

My guess is that you will need a little bit of AI on cycle since you are at a higher than recommended body fat for using AAS. Fat cells have a lot of the Aromatase Enzyme.
I know I will if I get symptoms but I'm wondering if I get no symptoms of High estrogen should I still

Here's the problem with trying to gauge by sides; low estradiol and high estradiol are almost identical in how they make you feel. There are a few small differences, but it's just not the best way to figure out if you're using enough AI.

Stick with a conservative AI dose, and then get a blood test after 4-6 weeks. For your dose of test, I'd probably stick with 0.25mg E3.5D for now of adex.

My .02c :)
Thanks for the help! Feeling low energy and mood is not great today. Not sure if that's normal or maybe estrogen out of balance again. Checked my BP and it's higher then normal is (usually 120/80). Not getting a lot of water retention or any sore nipples though. Have had some days where I feel awesome and trying to get back to that. May try the .25e3d and see how I feel. Just worried that would bring it too low again.