Low Test Problem


New member
I am a 6'2 220lb 29 yo male from Pittsburgh, Pa. I have been taking "over the counter" prohormones (superdrol, phera plex, tren) for the last 6 years about two 8 week cycles per year. The only post cycle therapy (pct) I ever took was 6-oxo/novadex xt because I didn't know how to get clomid or nolva. Last summer I had my test levels taken for the first time about 6 months after a superdrol/p plex cycle and it was 550. This past October I did a 4 week cycle of superdrol/tren and like an idiot I used only novadex xt for post cycle therapy (pct). Since then I have been very tired and no sex drive. I have noticed that even though I have been training as hard as ever and eating 5k cals a day clean my results have gone to shit. I lost all my gains from my last cycle (20 lbs). I am usually lean with cuts but now I am smooth and less vascular. Went to Dr and got a blood test. Came back 212 (wtf). He made me take another test to make sure and I should get the results today or tommorow. If low he will send me to an endocrinologist. I am not looking to be Jay Cutler but I am afraid the endo will look at my age and not give me test. I heard the cream sucks and I just want to get my T back to high normal. I am done with oral garbage as it gives me bad sides and apparently has killed my balls. Looking for advise pls. Just to add I also have had a small amount of gyno in my left nipple ever since my first superdrol cycle.
You sound about like a carbon copy of myself. You can try a HPTA restart by blasting HCG then doing clomid therapy... OR talk to chip at maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and get on TRT... I'd try a hpta restart first though as it would be much cheaper and may get you in livable range again if you just had your T at 550 not that long ago. I'm at 246 and I know exactly how you feel.. exactly..