Low testosterone after PCT


New member
hey guys,
So its been 6 months since I ran my last cycle followed by a full PCT. I went to my doctor to get my test levels checked and they turned out to be low. Im going in for a follow up appointment this week, but Im just nervous hes going to put me on TRT. I want to avoid this considering Im only 27 years old!! Ive been told that sometimes it takes multiple PCT before your natural test comes back but is it possible that your can lose your natural test for good?

Heres what my last cycle/PCT:

1-20 wk - Sust 250 500mg per week
1-20 wk - EQ 500 mg per week
8-20 wk - Var 60 mg ED
1-present - 4iu serostim HGH

PCT 3 weeks after last shot

HCG - first shot 2000 iu, followed by 1000iu ED for a week
Nolva - 40/40/40/40/20/20/20
Clomid - 100/100/100/50/50/50/50
Let's see your pre and post cycle blood work results. It is possible that trying another restart could help, but no way to know without seeing your blood work.
So I went to see my doctor today to get my test results. The test I got done is called free testosterone , it doesn't show LH or FSH levels.
Anyways, my free testosterone levels are at 28.5 pmol/L . the reference range is 31.0-94.0 pmol/L.
I'm below the minimum range which means i should be experiencing some side effects from lack of testosterone. The only side effect I could really say I'm feeling is maybe a bit lethargic at times, but a nap or a cup of coffee usually fixes that.
My doctor was straight forward and told me he doesn't know much about AAS and PCT so he doesn't to prescribe me TRT considering I don't any real side effects and possibly my natural test is gradually increasing.
Ive been off for 6 months and want to jump back onto cycle within the next few weeks, would it be safe?
1000iu ED for a week with a frontload of 2000iu on the first day... total 9000iu over an 8 day period, or did I read that wrong... Bit alarmingly high dose of hCG?

Would have been a lot better off running the hCG throughout the cycle as previously said.

You really need to see where LH/FSH, Total and Free Test as well as Estradiol before coming to any conclusions. I would try and get those results first then take it from there.