Lump lump lump lump lump lump


New member
Hey guys
I did a 1cc shot of test e in my delt 250ml
2 days later I noticed a lump 3 inches away from my injection spot
first few days it was hard to touch. It hurt to touch. It was getting red. But now on the 6th day it has gotten a lot smaller no redness but it's still there ...doesn't really hurt either
a lot of people said oil got trapped there.
I used a 25g 1 in needle. I do have small delts so the 1 inch hit the needle for sure. Everything went smooth no blood or anything kept everything very sterilized.
So my questions are
is it still safe to poke there even if the lump is still there? Like I said it's not acually by the injection spot more down where the shoulder and bicep meet.
How do I avoid the lump next time?
If I do get a lump how do I reduce it? Or get ri'd of it? Heating pads maybe?
This is my first cycle so sorry for the dumb questions.
You just had a sterile abscess. You probably missed the center of the muscle and the oil migrated. It happens. Just give it time to pass. And watch to make sure it doesn't get infected. Sometimes putting an ace bandage around it to compress it will! help your body absorp it. Don't rub or heat it or anything.

Skip injections there until it is 100% better. There are lots of other sites you can use in the meantime.
Hey sorry I am a begginer and am taking tren a and sus not sure on wat dose to take .my first dose was in the tricept 13 days ago..and today the triceps were itchy when I woke up and have big lumps on both..the lumps were there wen I first injected for a couple days but hav just come back..can anyone helps on dosesi should take and if this is normal