M1t post cycle


New member
I am half way through my third M1t cycle, and wondering what you guys recommend for post cycle therapy (pct). My first cycle i did no post cycle therapy (pct) and lost pretty much all of my gains, the second cycle I used some clomid I had left over from a Sust. cycle I did a year before and I kept approx 90% of my gains. Although I can get clomid easily it seems a bit harsh for a 4 week M1t cycle, what about something like Tribulus, 6OXO or T3 as post cycle therapy (pct)?? What do you guys think??
Use nolvadex. SUppose clomid would be alright 2. Either would be better then 60x0. and 60x0 would be better then nothing. My ? for u, why waiste your $$ on 60x0 when it is way less effective and about the same price as nolva (think liquid nolva is even cheaper then 60x0)??