

New member
I just got my goods in the mail today I will start my cycleon Monday. I am really pumped to see how it will work. I was planning on running my M1T for four weeks but by the bottle it states not to use for more then two weeks. What should I do.
Most do either:

-2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, then 2 more weeks on.


-4 weeks straight

I prefer 4 weeks straight as well. Some claim to get better gains using 2 on/2 off/ 2 on though.
My results were great with 21 days. 5mg for the first couple days, 10mg after that, then 8 days at 20mg, then a tripidate off. I made great gains. Added quality weight and mass.
After about 4 weeks, you'll be wanting to throw the rest away if you have any left, heh. The lethargy was killing me -- and, as most people say they get, I was getting a sore back. Back cramps would wake me up in the middle of the night and make me want to hit something really hard.

I think I'm going to go 30mg ed + 3 mg Methyl-D this fall. I might throw some 1-AD in there, but I"m not sure how much I really want to throw at my liver at once.

Some people have been having success with 1-test cyp. converted into an IM solution, so that might be a possibility for giving my liver a break.

Let us know how you do, keep in touch.
Well I know I said I was going to start it Monday but I couldn't wait I was like a little kid with a new toy I started today. I will keep everyone posted.