Made a noob mistake - need help

No, you aren't right. And if you think my post about it's a possibility that he might have high or low estro doesn't pertain to his post it proves my point that your an idiot. Every symptom that he posted can be related to high or low estro. Everybody jumped on the bandwagon of he must have fake gear and overlooked the fact that it is a possibility of out of whack estro, even you, the most knowledgable person on ology!

I'd like to see you post pics of your enormous head since you must have a big brain with all of this "knowledge and education." I could give a fuck less what you or anybody else says about my pics or stats. You really must be on my dick to remember dred being a smartass 2 months ago. And where's your pics big boy? Only avi I've ever seen of yours is of some flat ass trailer park looking bitch with a case of bud light. I'm guessing it's either your sister or a self portrait.

Thats a dirt bike. Anyways, well you did a good job proving yourself an internet tough guy.

Sorry for the derail OP, some people just can't handle criticism and act like 18yr know it alls. Especially when they attack other people not having anything to do with it.

It's the internet coltmc22, don't so worked up.
Thats a dirt bike. Anyways, well you did a good job proving yourself an internet tough guy.

Sorry for the derail OP, some people just can't handle criticism and act like 18yr know it alls. Especially when they attack other people not having anything to do with it.

It's the internet coltmc22, don't so worked up.

Ok you call me out and make a big show trying to prove you so called knowledge and then I do the same and I'm the one attacking people? You talk shit and then I come right back out you and I'm the child? Sorry but I'm not a little punk bitch that's gonna sit back and let someone run their mouth and not say anything. I do think its pretty funny that you're saying I'm immature when you're the one that came at me. Can you deny that his symptoms could be the result of out of whack estro? No you can't and you got butt hurt because I'm right and you completely missed that. So what do you do? Start running your mouth instead of proving me wrong. Instead of posting your so called knowledge and facts, YOU went on the attack and then when I respond with an attack back I'm the one that's a child. You are a funny guy chris.
No problemo dawg.

OP back to my original question, have you been running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle???
This is why you always always have all your stuff on hand before begining a cycle.

Thats the #1 rule. IDK OP by now you either have fixed this problem or your working on it but here is what I think.

If you had the money you would have had ALL the gear in the 1st place. Since you do not have some cash to shell out for prop I think you have to frontload Sust for a week or 2, 3 TIMES A WEEK, and allow the short esters to kick in. I know this was already said (twice), but with your limited cash reserve I third this idea.

As said above do not frontload too long, its not needed.

Oh yeah, unless you weighed 150lbs you did not gain 12 pounds in 4 weeks either. So the being lazy and all that COULD be lack of sleep. Remember your body is in high gear so 6 hours just is not going to cut it, try 9-10. GL
Theres no way to know exactly whats going on unless he gets bloodwork done. Run some prop or or run your PCT and call it a day, and now you learned the hard way how to doit right.