Maintainable gains from dry prohormones


New member
Hey guys. Im just curious on what kind of gains were kept after a cycle. I have a friend that is debating whether or not to do a cycle along my side, but he is convinced that you can ONLY keep 5 pounds MAX after a cycle. And thats if you use the top of the line prohormone with dry gains. So im just curious on what results you users have kept and on what products. I have msten on hand, so anything about the gains of msten would be nice for my knowledge as well. Thanks for the info
that's highly predicated on how your diet and training is while on and after cycle... esp your diet.. its the most important thing
Thanks man. I understand the importance of diet over anything. Im just curious on if these products are keepable gains, providing that die is in check.
running a strong pct and keeping a consistent diet and training regimen will determine what you keep... saying you will only keep 5 pounds is some of the biggest garbage I have ever heard... that is so far from accurate... run a strong pct, run a sarms bridge in between cycles, stay consistent, stay working hard just like on cycle and you can add to your gains... its up TO YOU what you keep... of course, if your running something that holds more water, some of that will come off but you would want it to and clean up the gains you made... there are a multitude of factors that will determine what you keep but I assure you that a lot can be kept if you do things properly...
after a sdrol cycle I gained 25lbs and kept 15lbs after post cycle therapy (pct). Its not hard to keep weight if you just keep eating and have proper post cycle therapy (pct). I like running creatine during pct so I dont lose to much strength and stay motivated to keep going to the gym.