Major tren e stack any input good and bad please


New member
Guys let me know what you think

23 years old
215 right now
4 previous cycles


400mg tren e Monday and Thursday 15 weeks
500mg sust Monday Thursday 15 weeks
50mg dbol every day
Mast e Monday Thursday 400mg
Proviron 50mg Ed

For the last 6 weeks throwing in winni not sure of oral dosages yet
And after last pin of sust starting up hgh 7 months worth 5iu ed

Looking for all input good and bad guys
Why wouldn't u start gh at the beginning? Good luck starting at the high of a dose. Do u have your shit together enough to be running all this stuff?
3rd time with tren adex and caber on hand and never used gh before during would be be better? Why good luck with the dose? And yeah have everything on hand and diet and all is in check
I would start out with 2 ius in the am. Gh can have some crazy sides. I know people that went through some shit the first 2-3 months. Better look into it. Start that ai beginning of cycle too.
Nolva clomid and hcg on hand learned the hard way after my first cycle with tren though I had my pct lined up ended up not having any it took me a very long time for everything to come back online if you know what I mean haha
U better look up hcg too. I don't think u understand anything about what your taking. Everything shuts u down. Test, dbol, deca, tren, etc.. u better do a lot of reading.
I agree. You should do a lot more research before going this route. Also, this your 4th cycle and 3rd time with tren already? And how long do you plan on running the dbol?