making Sustanon (sust) or omna...


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making sust or omna...

I am just curious how to mix up the various test esthers so that way one can achieve stust or omna.

I can get all four esthers for omna as well as Sustanon (sust), but the catch is that they all are seperate. Thus id have to mix the four esthers together (all powders i think..) to make one full powdered substance.

Do i just mix all four esthers at equal ammounts together? or is there various ratios?

hope this made sense...

1 ml of Sustanon (sust) contains:

propionate 30mg
phenylproionate 60mg
isocaproate 60mg
decanoate 100mg

So say you were going to make 100ml's of Sustanon (sust).

You would need:

propionate 3grams
phenylpropionate 6grams
isocaproate 6grams
decanoate 10 grams
well, i was just curious as why the powders are sold seperate instead of combined....thought there was more to it or whatever
easist way to get the benefits of sus is to make cyp or enan and some prop. draw them up together in the same syringe and fire away. this is marketed as Ara test. 200mg enan and 100mg prop for example. then you get the benefiits of long and short esters. however with the short ester more frequent injects are necessarry.

sus is an odd test combo. i have done a lot of it as well as other test conmbined and seperate. sus without a doubt make me hold the most water. guess its the decanoate. cant say that it is any more potent mg for mg than other tests. some argue that there is a synergistic affect. now i have seen this between different hormones but not esters. a great example of the sum being greater than the parts is test/tren combo. hard to beat. gh and test deffinately accent each other very well. even similar hormones like tren deca , both 19nors, work very well together . both have deminishing returns after a certain dose but this is avoided when combing the two at lower doses. in other words 1g/w of tren does not give 2x the results as 500mg/w. same with deca but doing 500mg/w of both does. see my logic? its still a gram of a 19nor dirivative without the deminishing returns. dont get me wrong 1g/w of tren will not dbl results from 500mg but there is still a significant difference just not dbl.