Making your own BAC water...


New member
Taken from Lewdtennants post in Anabolicreview...
Info confirmed by gymphreaks sore arse....

No need to boil water, but use distilled water(I got 1 galllon Poland Springs brand I found in store) or water that has gone through reverse osmosis, then filter into sterile bottle through filter.

Use a 0.22 syringe filter which will do 100ml of water.

Be sure to add 1ml of sterile BA for every 99ml of water.

If you do not know what this is for, don't worry about it.

Items needed:

.22 sterile filter
1ml sterile BA(ask if there is a minimum)
100ml sterile vial
20ml syringe (the bigger the syringe the more pressure it takes)
two 18g pins one for drawing water and one for injecting in sterile vial.
small pin 27g for letting air pressure out of vial you injecting BA into

the pin used for injecting into the sterile vial and relieveing air pressure should stay there with the filter until the process is complete. use the other pin to draw the water with. You will be switching the syringe from the filter to the drawing 5 times or so to get 100ml.
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gymphreak said:

Be sure to add 1ml of sterile BA for every 99ml of water.

If you do not know what this is for, don't worry about it.
cuz you want your water to be bacteriostatic...LOL, i love that line. Its like making koolaid and saying, add 1 packet of koolaid, if you do not know what this is for, dont worry about it.
you never watched kung fu? oh forgot that was in the 70's when i was in high scholl and colledge and you was......hmmm......damn man my kids are older than you. stay away from my daughter too.
I was born in the 80's too.....and you shouldntve mentioned ur u gotta fess up the details....
And where does she go to school? coz im gonna be planning a trip to the us of A sometime soon with all the time i got on my hands next semester...
she goes to nursing school so she can change my diapers when i get really old like dadawg.

but it is in moscow BTW. so go to the alutian (sp) islands and take a left. you already close to there being in canada and all. thats near the north poll right? i think i read one time that all of santas helpers came from ontario.
haha PB....if you post some pics of her, ill consider the trip to russia....and secondly, thanks for the props for my first correct post! haha
she looks like her mama. thank god. i'll get a pic or two and let you host them. that is if you trust me to send you the real pics.
weeeeeelllllllll....i dunno if youll send me the real rather see the real thing....shes prolly a lil purty thang too...
hmmm....i might just have to find out a lil more.....make a lil visit down to your hometown....