manufacturer and web site suggestions


New member
allright so im back to training natty again. was out of the gym for a couple months with 3rd degree burns on my leg so i need suggestions on a few supps and where to buy them.

fish oil
t- terrestris

if anything should be there or be taken out let me know. i been in the iron game for 6 years now, 24yrs old, 192 (was 217), 5'11'', around 13% bf. i have a good diet and train 4 days a week.
Imo i would take out bcaa's since if ur diet is check u should get enough of this not to mention protien shakes have enough in them, tribulos and zma won't give u any drastic gains or any thing noticible, glutamine is a waste.what i would suggest is getting a good protein shake and some creatine. mono or ethyl ur choice
I think they are excelent supps to take I'm using them all right now.

I suggest true protien and or
I'm not sure if you've taken ZMA before but the only bad part about buying just the ZMA is that if start to get some bad Diarrhea it means you are taking in to much magnesium, and you need to back it off some until it stops. The body does store magnesium so you may not get the diarrhea for a few days or so. SO you might just buy it seperately. On the contrary I find glutamine to be good find a good L-glutamine or glutamine peptide. With the creatine and the arginine go with the ethyl-ester form, its a lot better. creatine ethyl-ester taste like gasoline so i suggest either buying it in pill form or getting a incapsulating kit.
oh ya zma is great because it helps you when you get deeper more resting sleep. This is when you grow.