Mapping out my first cycle.


New member
Hey guys,

Recent lurker here who has been shifting through info and wanting to start my first ever cycle.

A little background information: I've been considering starting my first basic cycle of test-e 500mg/wk for several months now. It has been a decision that I have spent a lot of time thinking about and I am ready to proceed with it. I started working out when I was 15, though I did not get strict with nutrition and a solid plan until I was about 19. I recently got my blood work done twice to see where I stand with my levels. From two separate tests, my total testosterone was measured at 406 and 478. Now for my age, this seems low. I have always suffered from lack of energy and shifting feelings of apathy. Up until recently I also have little desire for sex and my libido feels like that of someone who is asexual. Needless to say this alone was a big influence in my decision.

My goals of this cycle are both for the psychological and physical benefits of it. I want to "feel" more motivated to face my goals head on, while at the same time gaining a respectable amount of mass. Here are my current stats:

Height: 5'6
Weight: 155lb

My expectations: I am looking to bulk up to 170lbs by the end of my cycle. I will adhere to eating 6 square meals a day, roughly ending up at 3,000 cal. My current natty routine has been a 5 day split, but I plan on shifting to a 4 day split, M/T/TH/FR with a primary focus on compound lifts.

I plan on following the routine laid out in the "cycling for beginners" guide:

Testosterone enanthate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday ) for 12 weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg everyday 15 weeks(depending on how prone you are , you can increase to dose to 25mg ed or reduce it to 12.5mg eod )
Hcg 500iu per week(250 iu on the day you pin test,starting on week 5)
Hcg 1000iu everyday for 10days leading up to your post cycle therapy (pct)
THE post cycle therapy (pct)
Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday for 4 weeks
Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

I'm in the process of finding sources. I have one locked down and I'm hoping I can get some communication in to make it work out. Also, I've heard mixed opinions about HCG. What do you guys think about it? Any other advice/comments/critiques?

Many thanks B)
Looks pretty good to me. It shouldn't be too hard to reach your goal. Just remember as you gain weight you will probably have to increase calories to keep growing.
Instead of 1000iu HCG leading up to pct, just keep it at 250iu 2x weekly and stop it 4days prior to beginning PCT.