max protein


New member
back in the DAY we were advised that the body couldn't digest more than 25 grams of protein in one sitting. Any updates on this?
Ugh, well, it depends on ALOT of factors. Just with metabolism alone, there are probably a dozen biochemical processes for metabolizing protein that can be significantly affected by the metabolic rate that is sustained by an individual.

The main things that need to be considered are the protein turnover, synthesis, and the breakdown. These steps can vary significantly from person to person. This is evident when you compare the muscle building properties of people who peak naturally, and struggle to gain more mass, while their buddy on the same diet is still gaining.

From what I understand, most of the studies that have been done on this were only done on sedentary, and mildly active people. It would be difficult to figure the turnover rate for someone who is not only active, but weightlifting, and/or using gear.

The more anabolic you make the body, the greater the increase in protein turnover, and synthesis.. So, if you are not using gear, and it's the first meal of the day, more than likely you will not process as much protein as you would during the middle of the day after being anabolic for a while.