meal replacement shake


Iron Man
i am looking to start taking meal replacement shakes sometimes when i just can't seem to eat. i am currently trying to gain weight. i guesse im what u call a hardgainer.

so i was looking in priceclub / costco today and saw slim fast. but taht doesn't seem to strike me as a good meal replacement shake. specially if im trying to gain weight.

does anyone have any good idea. ( nothing expensive, i am quite poor :( )
Your best bet, especially since you are low on cash, is to make your own meal replacment shake, stick to mixing whey protein, ground oats, milk and healthy fats! :)
I agree with Jen. It's far cheaper to make your own meal replacement shake. One of my personal favorites is 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein, skim milk or water, 2 tablespoons of natty peanut butter and a banana. Throw in some icecubes, blend it up and voila!
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