Dreaded Pirate Roberts
Guys now that we have a good dialogue going on qa few different topics let make individual threads for them and please leave a link here in this thread.
I'm in my mid 40s. I've been on trt a bit over a year. Done a decent amount of cycles in my time relatively safe. I blast twice a year. I seem to be having a problem in the sexual content. When I have an orgasim if feels like its not coming out like it use to. Almost painful. And the amount of nut def is not the same amount as it use to be. I'm not dehydrated at all. I get bloods done and everything cause back fine. Actually they just took blood today so I will have numbers shortly. I take Cialis a small amount everyday. Sometimes my balls hurt if I don't have sex or rub one out in three days. I thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
First thing is as you know, the basic physiology: the testes have 2 basic cells - Leydig cells for the production of testosterone in the presence of LH. Sertoli cells for the production of sperm and are activated by FSH
When men are on TRT, over time they become "infertile", not too mention can experience down regulation and even apoptosis of the basic germ cell lines of both cells aforementioned. This is beyond the scope of this reply, but I want everyone to know that these are not "simple" biologic process- nor are they understood!
Dr O
Do you include hCG in your TRT protocol?
Do you include hCG in your TRT protocol?
Hello - I'm 40 and have been on TRT for about 8 months now. I've never done AAS or any illegal drugs for that matter.
I'm currently not using HCG and at 40 have no interest in having more kids. Do you recommend HCG for general health reasons? As you have mentioned, there is little information on the long term affects of TRT with or without HCG.
There is no reason for using HCG for "general health". Please see my reply post for how I use HCG in my clinical practice.
Thank you for you post.
Dr O
Hey doc how are you going nice to have you here .
My question to you is this ive suffered a fair amount of broken bones and ligament and tendon damage from a motorcycle accident whenever im on cycle wether it be aas peptides or sarms i dont usally have any problems but as soon as my cycle finishes the pain returnees its pretty bad in my right shoulder knees and bad carpeltunnel in my left arm i dont think i spelt that last one correctly sorry about the grammer so i was just wondering what i can do to help with pain its hard enough to stay motivated post cycle let alone adding pain to the whole deal any ideas would be greatly appreciated cheers doc
Dr O thx for your generosity and knowledge here. Quick clarification on long term HcG use in TRT. Is it your opinion that men not concerned with fertility (I have kids and had a vasectomy) have no real basis for using HcG as a part of their protocol? I currently do Test C, HcG, and Anastrozole. Curious on your perspective as I hear "backfilling other hormone pathways and testiculr atrophy" etc as a reason otherwise for the inclusion. The med is $30 per month though. I've been on this dr rx protocol for 4 years.