Melanotan II

You've gotten new freckles or are they just darker versions of the one you already had?

How long can Melanotan be run for? I just found out about this stuff today... its amazing what science had produced!!!

I never really had freckles but my girlfriend noticed I had a few pop up. They may have been there but barely visible. I still don't really notice them. And moles have appeared that wern't there before but they are very small and barely visible too. Just something only I would notice. I plan on running it indefinetly. I havn't heard anything saying its bad to run for long periods of time.
yeah def quality products, but with ur mt2 usage just remember less is always better . as i said the shit is extremely strong and people more often then not overload result being they become african and later down the track ill .

I started using MII last summer and I can definitely agree that less is better. I started dosing ED for 3 weeks started at 300mcg and worked my way up to 1mg per day. After three weeks I wasn't seeing much so I continued every day for another 2 weeks at 1mg per day. One morning I woke up and I was VERY dark. I was way darker than C. Thomas Howell in Soul Man. I didn't want to go to work I was so dark. I tried wearing dark clothes to make it less obvious, but that didn't work out at all. I was looking very African and everyone made sure they pointed it out to me. I was darker than many of my black friends and to people whom I saw every day it was pretty embarrassing. And that shit doesn't just wear off. It takes a WHILE, and it creeps up on you. I am skin type 1. I learned my lesson about MII. Now I take 300 mcg per week and it makes for a decent looking tan year-round.
been wanting to try this for a while.

has it darkened your moles or freckles?

That it has. I dont have many at all so it doesnt matter for me. I loaded it at, if I remember correctly 1mg/day for 10 days, then somewhere around 500 mcg 2-3 x/wk for a couple weeks then 300 mcg. 1 evry wk and a half . I tan at the gym 10 min once every cpl weeks and I am dark as shit bro. I love the stuff
I started using MII last summer and I can definitely agree that less is better. I started dosing ED for 3 weeks started at 300mcg and worked my way up to 1mg per day. After three weeks I wasn't seeing much so I continued every day for another 2 weeks at 1mg per day. One morning I woke up and I was VERY dark. I was way darker than C. Thomas Howell in Soul Man. I didn't want to go to work I was so dark. I tried wearing dark clothes to make it less obvious, but that didn't work out at all. I was looking very African and everyone made sure they pointed it out to me. I was darker than many of my black friends and to people whom I saw every day it was pretty embarrassing. And that shit doesn't just wear off. It takes a WHILE, and it creeps up on you. I am skin type 1. I learned my lesson about MII. Now I take 300 mcg per week and it makes for a decent looking tan year-round.
Yeah buddy, it sure as hell does creep up on u. My wife even asked me to stop using it as I was getting too dark
well basically im not to sure what happened, if u look through this thread ull find an interesting convo beetween me and this other bloke. anyway what happened with me was i used for over a year streight loaded around 60mg the first 4 months then started using .5 a week over time i bagan to develop flushing (all the time) and flu like symptons like muscle cramps,sore throat headace ect ect . I think my body would fight the pep it saw it as bacteria RESULTING in me gettin ill 24-72 hours post injection. In sayinfg that i was prown to allergies b4 the pep coz its not the case for everyone i no bros who have used mt2 for years and years literally 5-7 years and havent had tyhe issues i have had with it . it sucks coz it really is a great pep id say the best pep out thier by farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I feel a bit uneasy but not sick like you when dosing MT2.
Maybe 10-20min i feel off.
It feels like you say almost like the bodys immune system is attacking something.
I never had an issue over the last 4 years of MT2 from RUI other then the mild nausia you would expect from mt2.
but I HAVE herd it CAN vary from lab to lab on side effects (in reality you would think it would not, but inpurities or dosing could effect it)

Maybe try another brand next time (if you do use it)

I should add I have VERY VERY mild allergies. Could just be you though, like you said.
I feel a bit uneasy but not sick like you when dosing MT2.
Maybe 10-20min i feel off.
It feels like you say almost like the bodys immune system is attacking something.
I never had an issue over the last 4 years of MT2 from RUI other then the mild nausia you would expect from mt2.
but I HAVE herd it CAN vary from lab to lab on side effects (in reality you would think it would not, but inpurities or dosing could effect it)

Maybe try another brand next time (if you do use it)

I should add I have VERY VERY mild allergies. Could just be you though, like you said.

Same here, I've been on for four months with no issues other than nausea and flushing post injection. I'm outside all day now, just maintaining at 300mcg once a week and people are starting to think I'm mixed.
im scared to try this stuff for some reason (maybe news articles that are floating around).

Is this stuff still effective if you dont do a loading phase?

How much tanning out in the sun do you have to do for MT2 to be effective?
im scared to try this stuff for some reason (maybe news articles that are floating around).

Is this stuff still effective if you dont do a loading phase?

How much tanning out in the sun do you have to do for MT2 to be effective?

I've been on it for about 6 months with no issues. I did a load phase but went light with it. Moderate sunlight will produce results, more will get you darker obviously.
I've been on it for about 6 months with no issues. I did a load phase but went light with it. Moderate sunlight will produce results, more will get you darker obviously.

I was using great white peptides mt2 but the sides were too strong.. i would feel extremely nauseous and didnt want to do anything. Also I would get the random erections which have always been a side ever since I started taking mt2.

I decided to get 30mg from labpe to see if the sides would lessen. So far im into my 5th injection (just did 1.25mg ) and still no sides. No nausea, no boners, no nothing. Havent had a chance to hit the tanning bed due to the hurricane here on the east coast so I cant tell how good it's working. I got vacation in 3 weeks and am hoping labpe mt2 is legit but it's just a little too strange that there is no facial flushing at least. Anytime I have ever taken mt2 from different suppliers the facial flushing was always present. I mixted the 3 vials with sterile water and take 1mg per injection.
I was using great white peptides mt2 but the sides were too strong.. i would feel extremely nauseous and didnt want to do anything. Also I would get the random erections which have always been a side ever since I started taking mt2.

I decided to get 30mg from labpe to see if the sides would lessen. So far im into my 5th injection (just did 1.25mg ) and still no sides. No nausea, no boners, no nothing. Havent had a chance to hit the tanning bed due to the hurricane here on the east coast so I cant tell how good it's working. I got vacation in 3 weeks and am hoping labpe mt2 is legit but it's just a little too strange that there is no facial flushing at least. Anytime I have ever taken mt2 from different suppliers the facial flushing was always present. I mixted the 3 vials with sterile water and take 1mg per injection.

That is strange. I'm using they're mt2 right now and I always get flushed and naseau from it.
I am seconding quality of labpe mt2. I ran 15mg at 0.5mg per day back in august and by the second week people were asking was i away on holiday, or how many hours i was putting down on the sunbed (even though i have never gone near one)
In this time the only bit of sun i saw was a few hours at the weekend, and and the odd few hours during the week while out on the road. It was cloudy most of the time, so in all did not get much sun in.
I was actually planning of going on a sun holiday at the time, but could not go in the finish, so at the moment all i got was a tanned face and forearms, so yeh, a real farmers tan.. Tbh i did not realise how potent mt2 could be, and even at a cautious dose of 0.5 mg everyday, i still got dark very quickly, especially in the third week,
i actually stopped it for a few days, i was getting worried that i'd get too dark.
Even now after nearly 3 months off the MT2 i am still very tanned i the face and arms, and will definetly book a proper sun holiday in the new year to get a proper all over tan.
What kind of sides have you had from it? Only ones I have is some mild nausea and flushing post injection.

Hell yeah. That shit is da bomb! I had to lower my dose cuz ppl started saying I was too tan and looked like a black man from the back. Lol. But the sides I got were a bit of nausea and a bit of flushing post injection too. So I took it at night before bed and also did the subq shot around my lower glute area thinking that its further away from my gut and therefore maybe less nausea.....don't know if it's true but that's how i always take it. If that helps....

Hi, I'm new here and have gotten at labpe I ordered my ship today. I especially a totally red head on the right sideis that bad? It has lasted about 30min. and very warm someone auch.weiss why?
The stuff is amazing if you dose it correctly or can be hell if you don't. I did too much the first day and I got sick, sick, face very flushed and headache. Make sure after u take it and go out in the sun to not have long sleeves on because your face will get much darker than your arms. I agree with taking it at night because the sides are better because you are asleep. Some people take it night before and go to tanning bed for no more than 10 min a couple times per week or ur going to get too dark. It absolutely will make you tan in a hurry!
Hi, I'm new here and have gotten at labpe I ordered my ship today. I especially a totally red head on the right sideis that bad? It has lasted about 30min. and very warm someone auch.weiss why?

This is a normal side effect. No worries. I pin at night.