Some stats
26 y/o
Started cycle at 180lbs
13.9-14.5 body fat
Lifting since high school
Current weight 190lbs
Test C twice/week 1ml
AI on hand but so far not needed.
This cycle was put on for me by another lifter that is experienced and gear was also provided by him.
Around week 4-5 my weight shot up to almost 200lbs assuming from water since from what i understand test C retains more water than test E?? Around week 8-9 my weight went down to 185-190 and thats were am at right now.
Few questions i have
Is test E that much better than C?
I've done a lot of reading on diff forums now most people use mg when referring to amounts how do you convert to 1ml?
Whats a good pct and how many days after my 12 week cycle should i start and what amount?
Next cycle i want to combine deca and test how long is it recommended between cycles.
I feel like I've over paid to much for this cycle when i tried to do a source check on this forum the link is broken can anyone point me in the right direction.
26 y/o
Started cycle at 180lbs
13.9-14.5 body fat
Lifting since high school
Current weight 190lbs
Test C twice/week 1ml
AI on hand but so far not needed.
This cycle was put on for me by another lifter that is experienced and gear was also provided by him.
Around week 4-5 my weight shot up to almost 200lbs assuming from water since from what i understand test C retains more water than test E?? Around week 8-9 my weight went down to 185-190 and thats were am at right now.
Few questions i have
Is test E that much better than C?
I've done a lot of reading on diff forums now most people use mg when referring to amounts how do you convert to 1ml?
Whats a good pct and how many days after my 12 week cycle should i start and what amount?
Next cycle i want to combine deca and test how long is it recommended between cycles.
I feel like I've over paid to much for this cycle when i tried to do a source check on this forum the link is broken can anyone point me in the right direction.