Mike Tyson to fight MMA against 375 pound man?


New member
am i right when i heard that mike tyson has signed to fight in a mixed martial arts fight against some 375 dude named "the beast"?!?!?!?

if so, mike has officially gone bananas
Bob Sapp is fucken huge......too bad at his size he will never have any cadiovascular conditioning.Lightning fast and flexible for a big man though.
Tyson needs the money......he,s flat broke .Whats next the carnival?
Its really too bad about Tyson. In his Prime, the most feared boxer on the planet, one of the best the sport had ever seen. Now, a man pretty much defeated by himself and the people who run the sport.
Yes you heard correctly. Sapp called Tyson on at the last card.
Sapp is fucking huge! I don't know if you guys caught the fight between Sapp and Kimo but the blows that Sapp took from Kimo were intense. I thought Kimo had it for sure but then Sapp came out like a wild man! Sapp/Tyson would be interesting that's for sure!:)
Well, I just read on the K-1 website that Mike Tyson has signed an exclusive management contract with the K-1 organization. The agreement does not cover boxing events in the USA.
It also stated that it can be officially announced that K-1 is currently in negotiations with Tyson for a late December fight. Any other details can't be made public right now. So, it does look like the Sapp/Tyson fight is going to happen! :)
I am not a Tyson fan, but he will hand Sapp's as to him. Tyson can box Sapp just comes at the other person throwing w/ no boxing skills. I like him and hope he wins but I have seen him throw maybe one kick during his K-1 fights. If it were pride or ufc I would think Sapp would win. He has to be kidding if he thinks he has a chance w/ Tyson. Just think, if he were that good of a boxer why wouldn't he be here making $20 mil per fight? If anyone thinks Sapp is unbeatable go to Kazaa and download the fight between him and Mirko Crocrop. I don't think he'll make it 2 rounds w/ Tyson. He'll wish he never "called him out" which was probably staged anyway.
Hammer you are very right. Crocop is not joke though. Tyson has to through punches harder than Crocop and crocop put Sapp on his ass looking like a crying baby. This fight wont even be worth our money. K1 is kickboxing but sapp does not throw kickks so it will be a boxing match, Tyson will kill this clown
bigdaddy22 said:
Hammer you are very right. Crocop is not joke though. Tyson has to through punches harder than Crocop and crocop put Sapp on his ass looking like a crying baby. This fight wont even be worth our money. K1 is kickboxing but sapp does not throw kickks so it will be a boxing match, Tyson will kill this clown

Actually, Sapp has been doing some training and he was throwing some kicks that weren't too bad in his last match against Kimo. He's a big man and he'll totally need to work more on endurance.
If Tyson gets some MMA training under his belt he's going to be lethal!
I'm actually looking forward to the fight to be honest with you. I wanna see what Tyson can add to his arsenal between now and the fight in December!
bigdaddy22 said:
Hammer you are very right. Crocop is not joke though. Tyson has to through punches harder than Crocop and crocop put Sapp on his ass looking like a crying baby. This fight wont even be worth our money. K1 is kickboxing but sapp does not throw kickks so it will be a boxing match, Tyson will kill this clown

You're damn right Crocop is no joke! He's gotta be one of the best fighters right now. He's quick, he's calm and his punches and kicks are fast and furious!
lol...can u tell I'm a Mirko fan?:)