mixing oatmeal and whey


Iron Man
when ppl say eat oatmeal, are you talk about the quaker oatmeal that you pour hot water over? or am i wrong>?

anyways, has anyone mixed their whey protein in with the oatmeal?
if so was it good at all?
I've tried mixing my oatmeal into my whey shakes. Personally, I gagged. Not something for me.
people definetly put protein in their oatmeal. I dont use the instant oatmeal in the package. The best is just to buy the rolled oats takes a bit longer to cook but much better nutrition wise.
Once in awhile, I will add some whey to instant oatmeal. Instant is full of sugar, so I might eat it on leg day but not every morning.
I've been adding Optimum Choc to my oatmeal for awhile now, never had a problem. Its an easy way to add 25 grams to your meal. Give it a shot, tastes good to me. I'm not sure if any of you are doing this, I'd hope not, but dont cook the protein with the oatmeal, just mix it in after you cooked it. Common sense I think
doing that makes my oats way too gritty.

i usually will just eat the oats by themselves and wash them down with a protein shake made with water.
I tried mixing some whey in with my oatmeal and I don't like it. I know a lot of people that do that but to me, it tastes gross...lol
I'd rather just mix a protein shake up and eat my oatmeal on it's own with some cinnamon and splenda.:)
SHit, that is one nasty ass mix, I would drink a protein shake seperate, blaaah, no way, i puked off of it, i have weak stomach but still, i wouldn't ry it if I were u!
bigdaddy22 said:
cinnamon and splenda sounds good!! Whey and oatmeal sounds bad!!

oh it is! You know what else is awesome? Add a tablespoon or two of natty peanut butter to your oatmeal!:yumyum:
i eat chocolate whey and oats every day....and instant oats are not full of sugar if you buy plain.....the flavored ones are loaded though.
Oat meal with the Atkins syrup on there and some cinnamon is delicous..then was it down with a Protein shake.......Thats what I wake up to every morning...taste delicous!
Cook 1/2 cup oats till most of the water is out. Then add two scoops of Pro Complex Choc. , then put it in the freezer for a couple hours. This is a great diet meal.
Well, I may the odd one but I've always thrown oatmeal into my whey shakes, but I put it a blender so as to chop it up a bit. Don't notice a taste difference and it adds some texture.
i grind up oatmeal right into my protein shake, it tastes preety good. I put like one full cup in which i htink is 60 grams.
i mixed my vanilla allthewhey into my oatmeal the other day, came out inda lumpy but tasted great! like vanilla oatmeal... today when i try it, im going to disolve the protein into hot water, then put that onto the oats to absorb the water, that should work better i think...