MK 677 Log To Infinity and Beyond


New member
First day. Figured I'd start a log for progress and help if anyone has advice as well.

It's been 24h since my initial dose of 30mg, had some constriction in my chest today, felt pretty much every side effect already, positive and negative, the constriction is marginal now. I'll be dosing right before bed because night will turn to my morning as I'm working late nights soon. Taking some milk thistle/dandelion root for a diuretic, planning on running this for some time so, thinking to taper down to 15mg the next few days to see if the chest pain goes away.
AM PM dosing now, it's not as clinchy today, eating lots of bananas. I figure once my diuretics start working it'll all even out. Wouldn't it make more sense to split the doses anyway?

I was weary about taking Animal Pump in the gym, but I took a double scoop of Super Cuts today along with some pretty extreme labour, heart is a little racy right now, but nowhere near as bad as I felt yesterday. Taking the first few days off the gym to gauge this regiment.
I'm actually excited to see how the first week entails, read on ncbi that results were seen in the first week of 25mg/day, with participants doing no additional exercise.
Day 4, first day back in the gym, could swear I was in a mid-cycle of test with how my lifts are going. Chest pains have subsided, mostly just extreme lethargy at work, I hate my life at work, but otherwise I feel great, other than the constant crunch I feel in my stomach, idk if that's gherlin activating or what, but no excessive hunger yet, I used to be a literal bottomless pit before, for a skinny guy, I could eat a lot of food, kinda still do.

Currently running 3Js exercise plan I got a few years ago, been taking it easy the last few months in the gym, Usually doing 3 sets instead of 5 AND compressing two days into one, well I'm back doing 5 sets, 5 days a week, plus I added some wrist exercises onto my short days, wrists being my big weakness, they hold me back from a lot of big lifts. Saw The Drunken Master the other day, Jackie Chan was doing pushups with his wrists, I've incorporated a heavy wrist exercise twice a week into my routines, probably never be that good, but hoping since one of the added benefits of running HGH is bone repair, I figure crushing my wrists into Oblivion will set the bar for strong wrists once the growth starts.

Also doing partially some of 3Js diet as well, he's helped me gain and helped me lose, diet is about 70% clean, I use his framework to build my diet but I pick and choose what's good and what's not. I can't stay on a clean diet anymore, I lose interest in eating since I don't (can't) prepare most of my meals half the time because of where I work. Quit smoking recently, off the sodas, seldomly eat junk anymore, generally a dairy heavy diet, with lots of meats, lots of veggies, lots of starches. My diet is toned towards my workout plan, 5 days relatively clean diet while I work out, with two cheat days (i don't really cheat anyway).
Oh and I've been on this new diet for about 2 months now. Started at 180, now I'm floating around 194, dropped a few BF%, I have my Day 1 pics for this diet. Like not even trying to gain weight and packing it on, it's kinda what interested me about the GHRP peptides, but I couldn't stand having to constantly pin, once maybe twice a week was okay for me, actually even possibly thinking of trying an aqueous test suspension, SubQ in the belly fat every 5 days could really help me explode.
BP got really high last night, brutal head ache, really considered quitting, gonna try a single dose in the morning upon waking, 30mg seems like way too much of this stuff.
Do you think it's high bp or maybe dehydration?

Definitely manipulate your dose based on how you feel for sure. Less may be more :)
Yesterday was pretty awesome, I was really thinking about dropping it all together, but told myself I'd go for one more day. The main reason I want to keep taking this besides the hunger is because the of the nitrogen retention, it's only been a week and I look and feel noticeably different. Extreme lethargy, but at 15mg it's not terrible, just been trying to lay off caffeine as much as possible, plus of I run it this way, I'll be able to extend my 3 month supply out to 6 months and start to really see the benefit from it. I was taking clen and Helios (not together) not that long ago and 30mg had that same feel like I did on the buterols, kind of like niacin flushing, it mostly just gives me gas I've found, been taking Zantac daily to combat the build up and the extremely vile farts.
If you have been a heavy caffeine user for a while and have recently cut it back a lot, that is most likely the cause of your headaches. Definitely increase your water intake, it should help.
Thanks for the advice, I've switched to decaf, I usually drink an excessive amount of coffee every day and it tastes literally the same, it's more like tea than anything else now. Absolutely side free today aside from my anger, but I have worked like 20 consecutive days, and recently quit smoking. Sleep has been insanely better and I take a lot more poops, still haven't gotten any hunger, I can eat an enormous amount of food however and never get full, but it's not hunger, like my post workout meal is basically half a loaf of white bread, I eat it and don't feel full, but I'm also getting to my breaking point, almost at 200lbs from 180 when I started my diet like 6 weeka ago, it's around that point my body doesn't let me get any bigger.
Was wondering what people meant by lessen carbs? Like grain carbs or green veggie carbs?

Grain carbs, you can always eat as much green leafy carbs as your heart desires.

As a note, a regular potato has a TON of potassium in it - far more than a banana has. So if you are eating bananas for the potassium, switch to a baked potato instead. Eat the skin too, it is high in iron.
Thanks I wasn't sure if the starches in potato would be good or not too. Figured as much. Found this cool log on the stuff:

Guy has mixed results but he's also comparing it to GH, then later on he says he's taking other shit with it, I'm just taking MK 677, nothing else, however many days in I feel the same as day 1, like a total sack of lethargic shit, but in the gym it's incredible, it's like I'm super human, big pumps and I can push beyond my norm easily. Picked up garlic and glucosamine today to combat the semi achiness and the semi blood pressure increase, will see how that goes. Sleep has been fantastic, it's only been like a week so far. Also wanted to add that I had a similar effect like buddy's log, I don't feel hungry but I don't feel full as often, like I can eat but my food gets digested super fast, I also intermittent fast usually between 12:30 amd 6:30 every day, I've been recently snacking a lot more periodically through the day.
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Grain carbs, you can always eat as much green leafy carbs as your heart desires.

As a note, a regular potato has a TON of potassium in it - far more than a banana has. So if you are eating bananas for the potassium, switch to a baked potato instead. Eat the skin too, it is high in iron.
Good to hear this, so next time I start to cramp up after a hot day on the beach lifting weights I can eat some potatoes and fix it. I sweat alot when lifting, and its very humid where I live right now and I always start to cramp up and what basically sorts out the cramping is a tablespoon of salt chased with water and sorts me out.
What can u take to counteract this intense surge in blood pressure/pulse? Like my heart rate is normal, but I can feel it in my neck hardcore.