money vs diet


Id like some input on how you can eat enough food on a daily basis without breaking your wallet. I know a bodybuilder needs the
the right diet, especially protein to support and grow new muscles. As for me, im on a tight budget and i find it hard to get the foods i need without goin broke. I need abt 200-300g of protein each day for my size and lifestyle. I buy a lot of canned tuna. frozen fish, hamburger meat., shakes. etc. any more options? steak is expensive, chicken can be too. I just abt have to eat fast foods to give me my protein
I go to walmart and buy whatever is cheap. That usually means buying bulk chicken breast and lean cuts of pork. I rarely have steak, I just can't afford it. The last couple months the walmart near me has been selling boneless skinless chicken breast at $1.97/lb. I went the other day and they were no longer doing that :(

If I had the money I would invest in a farmshare or something along those lines and buy grassfed beef/organically rasied meat in bulk, but I probably won't be able to do that for some time.

Also, I know meat can be expensive, but for me buying fast food would be even more expensive.
Look for restraunt supplier or food resale that will sale to the public. I get 40 lbs of chicken breast for 1.69 lb beef rolls 2.58 a lb turkey breast 3.30 lb 15lb bag of red potatoes 4 bucks 50lb bag of rice for 18
Costco for sure. Kraft easy mac - bundle of 15 for about $15. Kirkland whole chicken breast and lean ground beef, the latter being an ease to cook within easy mac. All of which cost less than $60.
Look for restraunt supplier or food resale that will sale to the public. I get 40 lbs of chicken breast for 1.69 lb beef rolls 2.58 a lb turkey breast 3.30 lb 15lb bag of red potatoes 4 bucks 50lb bag of rice for 18

oh wtf, i would kill to be able to buy chicken breast at that price
Place called cash and carry they are north west united states only. They sale to businesses with resale license but don't question public purchase.
Usually big bags of frozen chicken is cheaper than the 'fresh', unfrozen chicken. Also, find a smaller store that cuts the price on 'close to expiration' meat. I routinely get stuff 50% off and still have 3-4 days to cook it. I never see deals like that at Walmart, etc.
Restrurant depot has the best prices for chicken by far that i have ever been to. they have chicken there by the 50 pounds
i used to wait for sales at any super markets. i bought whatever was cheapest. wait for chicken drumsticks to be like .69 cents a lb, thick slabs of lean meat to be like $1-1.50/lb and buy like 20lbs. i used to buy whole salmon for like 1-2dollers alb and buy a shit load. i remember one time cvs had cans of tuna @ 3 for $1. i cleaned out their shelves bought like 200 cans and still ask for a rain check for another 100. (they didnt put a limit per customer! haha) as for veggies alot of the mexican markets have a vegetable day thru out their week. you can get like 6 lbs carrots for a doller. in vest in an additional freezer if your fridge doesnt have room. also look for sales on your basic supps like protein, creatine, aa's bcaa's etc. you can get them really cheap sometimes