Bio_Demon Torn Lifter May 13, 2007 #1 which fat is the good kind cause i know theres poly and mono and saturated and unsaturated so which combonation is good
which fat is the good kind cause i know theres poly and mono and saturated and unsaturated so which combonation is good
Chicago Made New member May 13, 2007 #2 Google that shit. Don't waste board bandwidth. Your answer is Monounsaturated fats are the good ones. Flax seed oil, olive oil and natural peanut butter are excellent sources. Use the search option in the future. Good luck!
Google that shit. Don't waste board bandwidth. Your answer is Monounsaturated fats are the good ones. Flax seed oil, olive oil and natural peanut butter are excellent sources. Use the search option in the future. Good luck!