monster milk

i think and after i had a post here on the board ..guys telln me about cytosport,muscle milk casen the way to go....look into it...
Cytosport Evopro is great I love it. The Casein digests great and sticks to ya real well. I still like whey PWO. Theres a whey derived from Goat milk that rocks. I used to drink Optimum Nutrition Whey shakes PWO for yrs. until my friend suggested Oryx Goat Whey. Both the Oryx and Evopro digest so well, with the other powders ive used in the past I was pretty much on the toilet after my last sip. The Goat is so clean no bloating, farting or runnin to the bathroom for blow-outs. It's a little pricey it only comes in 2.25lb and costs $30 bucks. I get good deals on the Cytosport Evopro Casein 2.25lb for $22 bucks. Theres cheaper powders out there but their junk imo and from my experince drinking them.
DLOVE...he is the one that told me about the cytosport casen powders......
Does the Casien pass through your body in high dosages? I have heard that whey does but not sure about the other. When I say "pass through" I mean does it just get pissed out?
the oryx goat whey im looking at right now is 30 bucks but it has 30 servings so thats not a bad deal
how does that taste teej?

Ive been drinking the vanilla PWO for about a yr. now, it tastes great and mixes perfect with just a spoon, no floaties. What I really like about the Oryx is how well it digests compared to other whey powders, no bloating or farting or blow-outs.
The only protien I use anymore is Isopure
No sugar
No Carbs

No need to drink all that dam sugar in monster milk, muscle milk ect...