Most powerful oral pro hormone

Why would u want to do a extremely powerful oral run. U gain 17lb and. Lose 8 afterward.

I'd go with helladrol and a osta in pct so u get slow liner gains. So the new muscle has time to mature and stay put.
Superdrol, bar none. Then again, it's not really a prohormone either - it's a designer steroid. SD does not aromatize, but does suppress your natural testosterone. I can't compare it with adrol or dbol as far as gains go as I have not yet personally run SD, but may in the future. It is VERY liver toxic though (as are most potent orals), so please look into N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) or LiverCare (by Himalaya) to help with liver values.

My .02c :)

You forgot the good 'old Phera-Plex. I wouldn't mind if Orbit had a underground thing that sold Phera and SD lol