Motawa's log


New member
Was thinking about starting my diet, training log.. still didnt cycle, so i have no cycle history, planning on starting my 1st this summer.

i usually work out 3 times a week.

Yesterday ( monday ) : Shoulders + forearms.

warmed up my tris and shoulders a little first..

1. behind the neck shoulder press:

115 lbs x 12
165 lbs x 10
215 x 8 followed immediately by a low weight set of 50 lbs.

2. side laterals

20 lbs ( on each arm ofcourse) x 12 ( focused slow movement.)
20 x 12
25 x 10

3. super set of front dumbbell presses and front laterals ( cable).

50 lbs front laterals (cable) followed by 30lbs dumb press. repeat this 3 times.

4. rear laterals ( cable )

35 lbs x 15
40 x 12
45 x 12
25 x 10

5. traps

4 sets of 135 lb x 12 rep shrugs.

I will keep updating everyonce in a while.
Like to add that im no big fan of supplements you can get from food. all my supplement history is 2 bottles of amino acids and a high-carb weight gainer i took 2 years ago. im not saying my diet is perfect, but just cant rely on powders as my primary food source.
Its been 4 days without going to the gym, been busy with my college exams. Tomorrow will be having my exam in electromagnetism. Ill hit the gym tomorrow night.
How are you able to stuff your face with enough protein without shakes? I'm not saying it's impossible, but it must be some feat lol

Good luck on your test tomorrow.
welcome! when you do shoulder presses, do you drive the bar down till it reaches your traps/chest?? or do you stop at mid point?
AngryMuscles said:
welcome! when you do shoulder presses, do you drive the bar down till it reaches your traps/chest?? or do you stop at mid point?

I stop when the bar reaches the lowest point of my ear.
Ok, so here is me progressing with time :afro: still natural till this day.

17 years.. dont remember my exact weight.

18 years, added some fat but gained some size.

20 years.

21 years. ( Im almost still the same, lost some fat and gained some definition though)

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So today is saturday, was planning to wake up at 5 am to get ready for my exam, went up, turned the alarm off and slept till 8. woke up headed to the exam, didnt do pretty well.. anyway, i trained chest/tris today.. as follows:

1. Flat bench press
135 x 12
225 x 10
275 x 10
275 x 9 ( couldnt do my best numbers, pretty tired.)

flat bench flyes.

25x 12, 30 x 12, 35 x 12

declined bench press:

135 x 12 , 185 x 10, 185x 8 ( i just go halfway in this exercise, i dont lock my elbow, feel like its more of a tri when i lock them.)

Drop set of cable flyes
40 x 8, 30 x 8, 20 x 8

superset of inclined dumbbell press & inclined flyes.

60 x 12, 25 x 12, 75 x 12, 30 x 12


1. cable pushdown: 50 x 12, 70 x 10, 90 x 10, 95 x 8
2. skull crushers.( 65 x 10 ) repeat 3 x
3. "rope" pushdowns. 60 x10, 70x 10, 70x 10, 40x 12
Thanks man.. ya chicken all day hehe..
so do you guys think thats my natural max ? or i still got some couple of pounds to gain ?
You've made great progress man. One thing you do need to bring out more is your chest - change up your routine a bit, maybe? You are doing quite a bit of chest/tri work and IMO, if you were to cut down the volume a bit and go heavier with less reps, you will be able to bring your chest out more as well as get stronger. Just my 2cents.
Thanks man, ya my chest is the part lagging in my body, although i have a genetically narrow chest in terms of vertical length, but it has developed good. first year i lifted i didnt know how to hit the inner pecs, i was just doing flat bench, incline bench, decline bench and dips, all wide grip. only my outer pecs got bigger, so comparing my chest now with before, its going pretty well, i still need to develop my lower chest more as i usually dont give it what it needs while training.

the front double bi pics are the worst to show the chest.. ill take another frontal un flexed pic.
chet/legs/shoulders/calves...some of the common lagging parts. i mean, i don't mind at all if they lag..if it's purely beit
Winter said:
You've made great progress man. One thing you do need to bring out more is your chest - change up your routine a bit, maybe? You are doing quite a bit of chest/tri work and IMO, if you were to cut down the volume a bit and go heavier with less reps, you will be able to bring your chest out more as well as get stronger. Just my 2cents.

i've got to cosign with winter...drop the volume down and go heavier, you'd be surprised at the results...your bound to lose a bit of definition though, but that goes without saying.
Been ages since i last wrote in here..

anyway,, my deadlift PR got up to 365 x 2. thought it was worth writing.
deadlift even got higher, 385 x 2

planning on reaching the 405 lb level and then keep working the same weight till i handle this weight easier, maybe try and reach the 6 reps limit.
hey man, been off the board for some time, used to log in every once in a while. every time the whole idea of cycling pops to my mind you see me here 24/7, then some college shit pops up in my face and i postpone the cycle for a couple of months.

been delaying my first cycle for 5 months now, dont know if im gonna really do it or not.