

New member
Hello all, as some of you know im in Iraq fighting. Just a quick question here or two. The food right now sucks MREs usally with the ocasional hot meal, chow hall should be open in a month, with 4 meals a day. with some normal food, i also get abuot 20 tunas sent a month to me. If anyone is here over seas or in the military please help me out on getting some calories. Im not even sure what a whole MRE has for calories, not that i can even stomach a whole pack.

One more question, i walked into a pharmacy today and have and can buy any type or steroid i need or want, my question is what are the good prices for the main bulk up ones. I dont need any cutting seeing as i am 135 lbs and 5'11.

being a ectomorph sucks

thanks again

p.s this would be my 3rd cycle, but the last two were about 7 years again and i was up to 154 thanks gain

i know mre's suck but they have a listing of nutration on the back. you at least have an idea what your getting with calories

i have friends just getting back and some have lost up to 40lbs
from eating mre's in 18 months they said they only had 6 hot meals
i guess i got something to look foward to when i go to to big sandy ocean

maybe you could order some calorie supps
good luck
dude I know what you mean excercises in korea suck....just like JR said the nutrition value is on the back.....I would just make sure to drink a TON of water cuz there is a lot of sodium in them....also if you can order stuff over there and have it mailed...try and look for russian bear...its like 17.37 for 4lbs of it....and if you can get whole milk mix a gallon with 5 scoops and you have 5000 calories...with NO FAT at all except from the milk....or if you can't get milk water will give you 2600 with no fat what so ever.....hope this helps man...I know how bad it sucks to not get what you need......BTW my workout partner was in your boat before...but he chose to eat like 3 MRE's a day....and he did it to gain weight...he said that it worked....