Hello all, as some of you know im in Iraq fighting. Just a quick question here or two. The food right now sucks MREs usally with the ocasional hot meal, chow hall should be open in a month, with 4 meals a day. with some normal food, i also get abuot 20 tunas sent a month to me. If anyone is here over seas or in the military please help me out on getting some calories. Im not even sure what a whole MRE has for calories, not that i can even stomach a whole pack.
One more question, i walked into a pharmacy today and have and can buy any type or steroid i need or want, my question is what are the good prices for the main bulk up ones. I dont need any cutting seeing as i am 135 lbs and 5'11.
being a ectomorph sucks
thanks again
p.s this would be my 3rd cycle, but the last two were about 7 years again and i was up to 154 thanks gain
One more question, i walked into a pharmacy today and have and can buy any type or steroid i need or want, my question is what are the good prices for the main bulk up ones. I dont need any cutting seeing as i am 135 lbs and 5'11.
being a ectomorph sucks
thanks again
p.s this would be my 3rd cycle, but the last two were about 7 years again and i was up to 154 thanks gain