Msten Dosage... Is my label wrong?


New member
Hey guys, I bought Xtreme Mass (Hardcore Reformulation), 60 Capsules by Anabolic Technologies off amazon 2 weeks ago. On the label, it says each serving (1 capsule) contains 12 MG of Msten. Well everywhere else I see online says it contains 6 MG of Msten. Is the label wrong? Does anyone have experience with this product? If it is, I will up my dosage to 3 caps because I haven't been blown away from the gains.

Here is an image of the bottle.
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Check the label and see how many servings per bottle. I'm 99% sure that version has 6mg per cap, and it's possible they're saying "one serving is 2 caps".
Okay, I think I figured it out... if your label says 12mg, you need to re-check the compound. That's the superdrol version homie, not M-sten.
Would have helped if I looked at the picture... overlooked that link.

Yeah, 2a 17a is superdrol... you got the "banned" version bro. M-sten would start with 2 17a.....

Now that said, if you bump up to 3 caps that would be 36mg SD. Not sure how long you've been taking it for, but I'd stay at 2 caps all the way through (bump it up if you like, but if you start feeling like sh*t I'd drop back down super quick... unless this product is underdosed)
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