I think we are going to find out more and more how important it is the form the vitamin/mineral comes in. I'll give you an example to give you an idea of what I mean. Take calcium, most vitamin/mineral combos give you calcium carbonate, but your body looks at that and shrugs it's shoulders. Now give your body calcium orotate or calcium 2-aep, or something along those lines and it sucks it up. And many multivitamins have in them synthetic vitamin e, which at best is a poor substitute for natural vitamin e with the different tocopherols (gamma, delta, with the standard alpha).
We also need to get away from 'vitamin e' being vitamin e. The body knows the difference, and yet to the uneducated layperson, they see vitamin e on the label and think they are doing something good. Another example of the body knowing the difference, take ester-c, or calcium ascorbate. The body can assimilate that much better than ascorbic acid. And just taking ascorbic acid without bioflavonoids is pretty pointless, too. Without those, the vitamin c is hampered.
I read more and more studies about how 'vitamins' just don't work, and yet the vitamins used in these studies rarely in the form our bodies need, and they are never used the way we find them in nature, which is to say with other vitamins that the body can easily absorb and that complement their functions.
Some of Dr. Nieper's treatments for ms and other ailments just makes me more and more convinced that we have the ability to help our bodies out tremendously, but we have so much contradicting evidence, that only those who waste hours upon hours can figure out how to do it.
We need to focus more and more on nutrition as a whole, not just specific vitamins like most doctors and researchers would like. And unfortunately, we cannot, imo, get these nutrients from our food because I believe our soil has been depleted for decades. Supplementation, imo, is not an option anymore if you want to remain healthy. And the word 'proper' should be inserted before 'supplementation.'
Look at the kids today, all they eat is potato chips and coke. And we argue about why they are fat? I read an article on cnn a few weeks ago where two nutritionists were actually arguing if cokes added to the obesity problem. You've got to be fucking kidding me! And I'll go a step further, I think the 'high fructose corn syrup' is viewed by the body as something different and much less nutritional than pure sugar.
One thing I did find interesting, and it backed up a theory I have about nutrition, I read an article that found that if you drank a coke, your body was just as hungry as it was before you drank the coke. In other words, your body will continue to be hungry until it gets some nutrients in it. Kind of like pica, where malnourished animals eat sticks, rocks, anything, just trying to get something nutritional in them. So you've got kids today eating fried potatoes (minimal if any nutritional value at all) and washing them down with coke, which as we just read doesn't satiate. Sounds like a vicious circle that would end up with 12 year olds getting adult onset diabetes...oh yeah, that's exactly what's happening now.
I bet if you found some way to get them some real nutrition, not synthetic vitamins, but the real thing, they wouldn't eat so much because they just wouldn't be hungry. That may be one reason why atkins is so successful, and why it's so hard to come off of it; meat is more nutritious than french fries and processed flour, so much so that when you are on it for enough time, your appetite is finally satiated. Yes, I know, ketones suppress hunger, but I think this part has been overlooked. And when you come off, your body has become used to getting what it needs for the most part when on, that it keeps telling you to eat until it gets what it wants.
Wow, that was some long-winded crap.