Muscle Milk


New member
I am a hardgainer. I was wondering if Muscle Milk was the right choice to attain mass or should I go another route for protein?
Suareezay said:
more specificaly....lots of ^^^^

also you may want to give a lil more info
like how much your eating
and goals that will help the guys here on this forum help you achive what you want.
Thanks, I'm 5'10" 160 lbs and I attempt to eat at least 160 grams of protein everyday. I have gained plenty of strength just no mass. Every time I weigh in, it's exactly the same.
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Like everyone else said, just keep eating. Rule of thumb, keep eating until you want to puke, wait a few minutes and eat some more.
endy87 said:
Thanks, I'm 5'10" 160 lbs and I attempt to eat at least 160 grams of protein everyday. I have gained plenty of strength just no mass. Every time I weigh in, it's exactly the same.

my suggestion would be up your protien intake before you tweak any thing else..maybe shoot it up to 180 for a month or so and see if that works...

also if i were you go into the diet forum and look around there. also post in there more ppl who know more about dieting can jump in and help you better than what you may find here in the supp forum..not saying you wont find any here but some guys hang in the diet forum more than do here.
I like muscle milk for bulking and you just can't beat the taste.

I would do something MUCH more aggressive with your protein intake. Up it to 300 grams daily. Increase your complex carbs and healthy fats as well. It is very likely that the only reason you aren't gaining mass is that you just aren't getting enough food and especially enough protein.

I weigh about 197 and I would be losing plenty of mass if I only got 197 grams of protein per day. During times I've really gained, I've had the protein up to 400-500 grams daily, with calories at about 5000 per day. When I was in the fire academy, I was on about 350 grams of protein and 4000 calories, and I actually leaned out and lose a few pounds.
Double your protein intake, jack the carbs up over 220 and fill the rest in with some EFAs. Get down with a solid training routine. I used HST for the first time this winter and put on 14 lbs with minimal fat gain.