Muscle Research B-drol Logging Opportunity!!!


Beast ***e!!!
If you've been in our Pump Juice thread, then you saw mention that this would be coming! And if not, here it is -- this is your chance to try a full bottle of our Beastdrol v3 to help you prepare for the upcoming Spring!


Strong Supplements listed Beastdrol as their number 7 product for adding mass for 2015!

Top 10 Bulking Supplements of 2015 -


So if you'd like to gain some size on a lagging muscle group, improve your Big 3, go for a PR, or just get stronger and look better, this is your chance!

We want to give you a bottle at no cost! All we want is you to start a log right here that you update at least 3 times a week and give us a detailed, unbiased final review. We want your true thoughts on this!

If you're interested, please just include the following by replying in this thread:

- Location (e.g. New York, California, etc.)?
- Age?
- Sex?
- Years of training experience?
- Previous experience with mass-building supplements or hormonal compounds?
- Are you willing to update at least 3 times per week?
- What supplements/other products are you planning to use with Beastdrol?

You are more than welcome to include more than that (e.g. we'd love to see if you have previous log links to share from here or any forum, if you want to include a photo, if you're willing to include photos, and anything else you may find relevant). However, those are the only things we need you to answer.

So let's get it started! We can't wait for you guys to try this out and see what kind of gains you come up with!

Also, if you're interested in trying out our newly re-formulated, re-released Pump Juice Extreme, go find our logging thread in this same sub-forum! Want to log both? Let's do it! Just mention that you're interested in that!
Ok guys here is another great logging opportunity.We have posted a pump juice logging thread and now we beastdrol v3 available for those that are interesting in logging for us for a free product for their troubles.Applicants please answer muscle addictions questions and we will pick the best canidates with post count and board join dates strongly considered.We will be picking multiple people, so dont be discouraged from applying, if you see a few people picked or board vets applying!

offer still stands guys! suprised more people arent stepping up!we need more loggers for this product, so if this interests you at all step up!!
still plenty of opportunities to log this great product!people have been volenteering at a much slower rate to log this then our pump juice and im not sure why.We would like to even it out a bit