Muscle Research "St. Patricks Day" Thursday Sale!!!


Beast ***e!!!
Happy St. Patricks Day from Muscle Research!!!

This weeks sale we have Muscle Research WPI 6lb Bundle for growth, Premium Powders GABA for sleep and relaxation, Premium Powders Caffeine to wake you up and get you going, Forged Joint Repair for you joints and tendons, and Over Ride for focus, energy, and skin tearing pumps during your workouts! We have covered the bases with this weeks sale!!!

Don't forget to visit one of our many
Pump Juice Extreme or Bdrol members logs, giving us priceless feedback and personal experince using our products, and let me tell you...PJX is getting phenomenal reviews!!!

And don't forget...ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING!!!

Your good Brother of Iron!!!
MA and the Muscle Research Team
Sunday Bump Day!!!

Grab some of that WPI, my go to protein as well as Forged!!! My favorite shake now is simple...1-2c egg whites w/ 1-2 scoops whey protein isolate.
This sale is over tomorrow guys.Get in, if something interests you.If not we will be moving on to a new sale. like we do every thursday!