Muscle Research Thursday Sale...Beastdrol v3, Pumpkin Spice Yo-Whey...its October!!!


Beast ***e!!!
Muscle Research Thursday Sale

This week has our Beastdrol v3 at a $20 OFF savings...also GenXLabs Shredabol and VRipped on sale, Double Dragon Juiced and Premium Powders Agmatine Sulfate!!!

We also have our Yo-Whey Pumpkin Spice flavor here for the holidays!!! This flavor seems to be the rave this time of year, so put a bag in your cart and try it out!!!


And don't forget...ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING!!!

Your good Brother of Iron!!!
MA and the Muscle Research Team
As always, here are my thoughts on this week’s sale items:

Muscle Research Beastdrol v3 ($20 off):

Great time to pick up Beast v3 if you’re looking to run a cycle. For those that are unfamiliar with the newest incarnation of Beast, you’re getting 90 caps and 100mg 1-DHEA in each cap (along with arimistane and fenugreek). Libido should be great on this stuff and it should be dry and lean. This version should be very versatile in whatever your goals are so long as diet and training match up with it. And since it’s non-methylated, you can run this for longer – all the more reason to grab a couple bottles and run it longer and at a higher dose if you so choose. Another idea I’d consider is grabbing a bottle of the new T-Base and run Beast at standard dosing along with that and let the good 1-DHEA times roll!

Two guys who just finished up one bottle runs of this had the following to say:
bigbumpkin2003 said:
“Awesome product to add some lean mass! Was concerned about bloated etc. but was pleasantly surprised! Would suggest the product for anyone looking to add a little size and strength.”

readyset said:
“Things went really well. I'd be lying if I gave a number in terms of weight gain. But strength and size went up drastically, more so than usual (i.e without beastdrol.)

I was getting great pumps and recovery. It was absolutely a solid product. It felt like I was taking a mild oral steroid all day.

It's absolutely a solid product I'd recommend.”

GenXLabs ShredABOL ($4 off):

Not one that I’ve used, but looks like it has a decent diuretic component to it, along with some potential nutrient repartitioning (courtesy of the ALA and ALC) and antioxidant benefits. I’m never a fan of the prop. blends, but at least it’s broken into 3 matrices. This would be one if you’re looking for an all-inclusive product and one that I would likely opt for during the summer, a trip to the beach, etc. (because of that diuretic aspect).

GenXLabs V Ripped ($9 off):

Some very minor BCAA doses added in, but basically a diuretic complex and some androsterone. Looks like it would be something light to run to cut up a bit without being a very harsh run; but certainly more than just your run of the mill fat burner and not something I’d recommend to everyone (particularly anyone young).

Double Dragon Juiced ($10 off):

Well, with this one, it walks the line of needing 2 scoops in some areas, but not it others. You’re getting 300mg caffeine, which makes me hesitant to recommend doubling down. However, with the beta alanine at only 1500mg, I’d be tempted to (and many others would as agmatine is at 500mg, even though I feel that’s plenty sufficient). What you could do is just add some bulk beta alanine to it and be good to go. I like that it has higenamine in it and I love that it’s not a prop. blend. But If I’m given the choice of this, Mr. Hyde, or Pump Juice at the same price, I’m going Pump Juice 1, Hyde 2, Juiced 3 every single time.

Premium Powders Agmatine ($10 off):

This is one of my favorite supplements and one of my newer staples. I’ve been using agmatine daily for over a year, now, and I won’t stop. I know you guys love it for pumps (and it’s great at that, for sure), but I love the constant benefit of increased NO. I use Pump Juice Extreme pre-workout and get it in 6 days a week, so I almost always have plenty of agmatine, but I take a daily dose of about 500mg every morning upon rising before eating. The improvement in my vascularity is incredible. Even when I was at a higher bf%, my vascularity was significantly better than when I was leaner but not using it several years ago (and as I’ve become leaner it’s even more pronounced). There are just a ton of benefits to this and it’s worth it for the $30 it normally is, so I’d stockpile several bottles at this price. For those of you that think this price sounds expensive, you need to read the label carefully. You’re getting 60 tabs for this price. But the tabs are actually a full gram each. Many guys like dosing it that high, but you can easily cut them in half to make that 60 servings 120. That is 4 months of daily dosing for under $20 shipped to your door. And since these are tabs and not caps, it’s simple to halve them with a knife (or pill cutter/splitter if you have one). Fantastic deal. Seriously, this is a crazy price.
B-Drol and the forma get test infusion free are a killer combo deal a.great time to grab these for a nice fall or winter cycle
Still have not tried the Double Dragon Juiced PWO, but have some Pumpkin Spice Yo-Whey coming for my dad and I...send him real protein every month, also thinking of grabbing the Forma/Test Infusion combo and giving my dad the Test Infusion, this is a great week of sales and great promotion this month...don't miss out brothers and sisters!!!