My 1st ever cycle... Please help with PCT advice if possible


New member
So I am just starting my 3rd week of my first ever cycle of Test C. I plan on going 10-12 weeks at 500mg/week, injecting 3 days apart.

Anyway, I am very confused about what to take for my PCT, how much to take and how long to take it for. Please try to keep things as simple as possible for me because I am completely overwhelmed with info on other forum threads I read.

I know that I should start the PCT 2 weeks after my last inject but that's about it. I've heard good things about clomid, nolva, and aromasin but don't know the differences between them. Is it ok to take just one or do you need multiple kinds like I have read elsewhere?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I hope to hear back soon.

Thanks- J
Welcome to ology.

Read this thread and all its links it will benefit you:

what are your stats? Age height weight bf%?

Lay out your cycle so we can have a look

Did you do pre cycle blood work for base line?

What AI are you taking and what dosage?

Are you using HCG?

"Lay out your cycle so we can have a look" aka I want to flame the shit out of you if you write something stupid. Please do answer the questions so I too may "help" you.
OP you probably want to wait 3 weeks before starting pct for the test cyp to completely clear. The start of pct will be based on whether you are using long or short esters for your cycle.
Being you mentioned aromasin in regards to PCT,, and that you don't know what the difference is, It's clear to me your not currently running an AI (aromasin) NOW, during your cycle..!

Your lack of research and study of AAS before just jumping on a cycle is going to get you bitch tits, shrunken balls, and acne.. I hope the 10 pounds of water weight you gain from this is worth that to you
I'm 23, 5'9, 175, 16% BF. Like I said I know nothing about this, that's why I'm manning up and coming on here for advice. My lifting partner convinced me to start with him even though I was weary of it. I was hoping the people on here would be helpful and not just try to talk shit on others who don't have the same knowledge.
Go back and read post #4. You need to educate yourself on this stuff before you just jump in. Read that thread and all its links paying attention to the young and steroids.

At 23 your not done growing yet and all that will change when you inject exogenous testosterone. Your endocrine system isn't finished developing. Are you willing to take chances with your health at this age? There is always a chance you won't restart after cycling it's a chance we b take are uou willing to start TRT for the rest of your life?

All I'm saying is you have plenty of natty potential. If you learn how to diet and train properly you can make some great progress. AAS isn't a magic pill you need to know how yo diet and train to maintain any gains you'll get from using them
Thanks for sharing that, I shouldn't have jumped into this without doing my research for sure. If I stopped injecting immediately, what should be my next course of actions, anything you would recommend doing to fix what I started?
Do you have HCG on hand? If not then stop pinning and 21 days later start PCT.

Post#2 has a link with all the info needed.

6 weeks after PCT get bloodwork to verify you've restarted.

You did do pre cycle blood work for a baseline right?