My 3J Diet Journal!

501s finest

Training to get Big!!
My goal is 165-175lbs 10-13% bf bigger arms, chest, thighs, everything bigger lol.
My weight b/f diet was 151

Waist: 32"
Chest: 37"
Biceps: 12 1/2"
Calves: 14"
Forearm: 10 3/4"

That was approx. a week ago.

Today 6am

weight: 139.2
Biceps: 13"
Waist: 32"
Chest: 37"
Thighs: 19 1/2"
Forearm: 10 3/4"
calves: 14"

I was on a PH when I weighed 151. I stopped taking it right before the diet. So this is all natural, no supplements other than protein shake once a day, all whole foods as i'm sure most of you who have done a 3j Diet know. I will post a pic of last week and today up as soon as I get a chance. I sit in a glass office at work. People don't wanna see me half naked in here. haha they already mess with me looking at the picture thread on here haha.
oh, there is something called post cycle therapy (pct) they sell at the nutrition store. would that be sufficient? also I have a box of clomid coming from one of our sponsors. I have a box of 10 50mg tabs coming. Should I take 50mg day 1 then half a pill til they run out?
it's been 2 or 3 weeks since i quit taking it. And I'm just now starting to feel sluggish, so I know my test level is low right now. I do need to run a post cycle therapy (pct). I'm still getting good work outs but i have to make myself go to where I used to have to make myself take a day off.

Also how long do I have to start running the post cycle therapy (pct) before the damage is done? God I hope I haven't waited too long. Still don't have my sex drive back. I can do it, but I don't think about it like I used to.
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it's been 2 or 3 weeks since i quit taking it. And I'm just now starting to feel sluggish, so I know my test level is low right now. I do need to run a post cycle therapy (pct). I'm still getting good work outs but i have to make myself go to where I used to have to make myself take a day off.

Also how long do I have to start running the pct before the damage is done? God I hope I haven't waited too long. Still don't have my sex drive back. I can do it, but I don't think about it like I used to.

Get nolvadex and clomid.
okay I have clomid on the way as we speak. 50mg tabs. 10 of them is all I have coming. do I need to take a whole one 1st day split em in half and take for 14 days?
Day 7 of Clomid from the PH I took for 3 weeks.
Weight: 142.8
Biceps: 12
forarm: 11 1/4
chest: 38
Waist: 32
thighs 19
Neck: 14 1/2
U have to treat pro hormones like a cycle these days. Back in the days a pro hormone dis nothing but naturally raise ur test levels.