my after Cycle pics. Fat ass.

Congrats man. You have kept 23 lbs. You can definitely tell the difference. I feel the same way man about being less cut when I bulked up. I agree, I guess thats the price you pay.
23 lbs thats great man try to get a pic of your back for comparison. did you take any measurements of your arms and chest
Just wanted to add that I Couldnt have reached the results I have without the help of all you guys here at the board, my hat goes off to your expertise and help in my development.
Congrats you have gained good size. Don't worry about BF, you'll have time to loose some. Good job.
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THx for all responses. Bulking is fun, I just ate everything insight. :) well im sure the test did some too. But Now that I only work weekends Ive had the time and energy to Train,eat and sleep right.
mate I don't want to sound like a cunt, but I think you looked better in your before pics.

Did you just eat everything in site? Maybe you should try a cleaner diet next bulk.

what were your strength gains like?
inked1 said:
mate I don't want to sound like a cunt, but I think you looked better in your before pics.

Did you just eat everything in site? Maybe you should try a cleaner diet next bulk.

what were your strength gains like?

Well you are being quite a cunt ;) But nevertheless I agree that I look more defined and BETTER in the before pics, but I dont have problems cutting, it is very easy for me, bodybuilding is all about bulking and cutting all year round if you didnt know ;) Strenght gains where pretty good, was able to lift my bench with a solid 25-30 lbs more.
looking big and thick, next time u cut u will look better then u did b4. as for me i am on a year round bulk. right now im 221lbs with about 14%bf. and i dont want to offend u but u are definitly more like 17%bf than 12. either that or its just all holding in ur waist. looking good though, keep up the hard eating and training.
Lats will look good when the Bf% is lower, dont think youre @ 12%.
I would work abit more on Chest and Traps.

Keep it up bro!